MY GOD NOW HE CAN JAM US. SIGNIT SWITCHING CHANNELS. Intercept with Silent Sound. The target must be Neutralized. His Time Line must be adjusted to one that suits our plans. His Will Must be subverted, His NATURE lets update it, Rearrange it & Pervert it. Selecting personality construct. Downloading to target. Dream sequence initiated. transfer complete. Now Integrate, Assimilate him. Deploy Handler to monitor and track project progress. Creating A chance meeting predicting his next movements, Intercept, catch, redirect. A New COMMAND. Hes NOT COMPLYING. We dont stop Trying. AN OLD FASHIONED INTERROGATION SHOULD REVEAL HIS TRUE ATTENTION. WHAT IS YOUR AGENDA? WHO YOU WORKING FOR? DONT EVEN KNOW! MY MIND SHIELD IMPLANT BLOCKS YOUR SCANNERS. This Technology is New, No one were Tracking, this is new! Triangulate the Signal, Sector 1, The Hunab Ku? No Civilization in this sector. Never seen Modulation of this kind, It Appears Faster Than Light. A Black Light subspace signal. Inter Galactic & transverse its moving forward from the past into the present and in reverse from the future to converge inside this creature at this Time. Sir this looks Divine. Scalar Toroidal wave, point of origin. The primal Cave. Wow Im Amazed. Its The One that was predicted. The Last Prophet of End Days. Here to Usher in New Age. His Mind is Resonating with our GALACTIC CENTRAL STAR, The Holy Black Hole! The Mind can not be brought under our control. SIR This is something Im not Trained for it supersedes protocol & procedure. What Action should I Take. Please Respond.... CODE WHITE Subject has ANGEL STATUS Do Not Try to Interfere, Continue to Track and Report Back every Action & Intention as it occurs. There are Many Here Already, theyre arriving in large numbers but weve got the situation covered. Artificial Intelligence is hard at work analyzing & predicting the Groups behavior, Their Intention and likely action. We will counteract with smoke screens and false flags to derail the publics attention from their Actions and Influence.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 20:00:36 +0000

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