MY LENT EXPERIENCE I decided to participate in Lent this - TopicsExpress


MY LENT EXPERIENCE I decided to participate in Lent this year. Not because I believe in necessity of any religious rituals, but because I thought it might be cool to sacrifice something I loved in hopes that for at least the following 40 days it might help keep the remembrance of the sacrifice Jesus made for us fresh in my mind. I had been struggling lately with intense anger and even hatred toward someone, and I felt the need to be closer to God. If you know me you know I tend to get over things quickly, and I am generally forgiving. I couldn’t stand not feeling like myself any longer, but I couldn’t seem to get a grip on my own. Would participating in Lent help me? What might I learn or feel in the process? Or would it be a total flop? As I walked into Wednesday night’s first ever Lent service at Eastgate I pondered on what I would give up for Lent. Ice cream? Eating after 6pm? White wine? Should I fast? Any of those things would have been difficult, but would it really suck? Not really. As Dennis Gallagher pointed out all of those things had an added benefit of a weight loss success. During our worship I looked around our little Church at the surf boards and surfing photos decorating the walls and an idea fell upon my heart—surfing. My very next thought was; “God you really have some crappy ideas. That would SUCK!” I laughed at myself because the next thought was; “I bet Jesus had a similar thought when He was called to give up His LIFE for us!” Was this idea to give up surfing divinely inspired? I wasn’t sure. I just know it was placed on my heart and I didn’t like the idea AT ALL—so it began 40 days of no surfing. My own reaction was reflected in others, including fellow Christians, whenever the topic of surf came up and I was forced to divulge my private sacrifice. Some of the responses I got included: “Are you crazy?” “Why would you do that?” “You know we get some of our best surf in spring!?” “That is TOTAL Bulls#%@!!!” And my favorite: “Isn’t Lent something you find in your pocket?” All the responses amused me because I couldn’t help relating them to what must have been disbelief, outrage, and a lot of scratching heads when Jesus predicted His crucifixion to His disciples. Within the first ten days of Lent surf was predicted for our area. With so much surf on tap I was reminded daily of my commitment, which prompted me to pray or meditate over His sacrifice and slowly begin to read my Bible more. I thought that was cool so I started to pray for surf, and we have had surf consistently every week since Ash Wednesday. The first week of Lent I signed up for Eastgate’s softball team, something I would of never committed to before for fear it would cut into precious surf time, and I was immediately blessed with the friendship of all the sweet souls on our team.:) I decided to start reading in the New Testament. Whenever I could make time I would read Matthew. In Matthew I read passages on Love, Charitable deeds, Prayer, Fasting, Wealth, Judging, why we shouldn’t worry, the Golden Rule, and the Parable of two builders. Talk about applicable! Now at this point my anger and hatred started to dissipate. Soon after I was no longer cursed with hateful thoughts, and the very unchristian habit of defaming the person I had been angry with. With my spirits lifted God placed an old friend in my life, and because of his influence I started the habit of reading my Bible and spending time with God first thing EVERY morning, instead of Facebooking. And man, what a blessing that has been! The Lent experience has changed me. I learned that spending time with God first thing in the morning makes “All things Possible.” Was it difficult to give up surfing? Surprisingly—NO. I’ve enjoyed watching my friends surf. I’ve loved being a Potato Chip, attempting something new, and I love the time I have with my team. I’m happier than I’ve ever been! When life recently threw me another punch, I just rolled with it having full faith my Savior is in control and not to worry. God is Good! Last Sunday, one week before the end of Lent, He sent Sunday morning waves. I caught some of the best rides I’ve ever caught surfing. Not because the waves were awesome, but rather because I was surfing better than I have ever before due to the fact that my life is back in balance. I highly recommend participating in a period of fasting and prayer. Its a will do it again for me. THE BEGINING!:)
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 22:17:13 +0000

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