MY MEMO TO THE PRESIDENT - as requested of many citizens by the - TopicsExpress


MY MEMO TO THE PRESIDENT - as requested of many citizens by the President - to give opinions about the President/Whitehouse (and THIS Congress?) going forward: Fw: Your memo to the President Inbox x julieanna Jan 13 (2 days ago) PRES. OBAMAS OFFICE IS ASKING FOR FEEDBACK.... I sent it, below. YOU MAY WANT TO SEND feedback, too! THEY WRITE: The Administration In the weeks and months to come, the president will lay out some of the policy proposals he wants to tackle in his final two years in office. Ahead of the 2015 State of the Union address, we want to hear what you’d like to see accomplished in the time we have left. And we’ll be sure to keep you up to date on what’s next. Share what youre willing to fight to help accomplish — and what youre going to do to make it happen. CHOOSE: Making college more affordable Expanding access to affordable pre-school Addressing and combatting climate change Investing in clean energy Reforming our immigration system Reforming our tax code Expanding opportunity for disadvantaged young Americans Rebuilding our infrastructure Boosting American manufacturing Raising the Federal minimum wage Ensuring equal pay for women Helping more Americans save for retirement Ensuring quality, affordable healthcare for all Americans Training Americans with skills for good jobs Expanding opportunities for responsible homeownership Growing Americas small businesses What makes this issue your top priority, and what are you going to do to make it happen? ============================== =====================MY RESPONSE: First: WHERE IS THE SUBJECT OF FOREIGN POLICY?! Dear President Obama: All of the above are a top priority - in order to strengthen this internally weakening country. Another priority is building Americas standing in the world by removing corruption, lobbying, Citizens United, and changing / reforming our campaign/voting/election system (I can write a book about same, but here are the main points): --Overturn Citizens United --Make campaigns intelligent and limited to public funding, no ads, only debates, speeches, meeting WeThePeople. Thats IT!!! --Make voting FAIR by removing ALL machines; rather, only paper ballots on the order of Southern California - where a clear mark tells the story for the voter. Paper ballot counting with oversight from all parties involved. --Make elections FAIR by removing the Electoral College...and IF EVER a Election is too close to call, NEVER send it to the Supreme Court: a completely new mini-campaign and new vote must occur. ----------------- WHY DO YOU NOT HAVE SOMETHING RE FOREIGN POLICIES, listed?! STOP PUNISHING JOURNALISTS AND WHISTLEBLOWERS! STOP THE KILLING. LEAVE ARAB COUNTRIES ALONE and STOP the COVERT OPERATIONS around the World. STOP policing the World. TERRORISM is substantively caused by Americas and the Wests meddlesome and horrific foreign policies. I AM ASHAMED OF MY COUNTRY!!! See these links and realize that many Americans know about this: oliverstone/untoldhistory FREE CHELSEA MANNING! STOP SUPPORTING ISRAEL! SUPPORT PALESTINIAN RIGHTS!! If you leave the terrorists alone, theyll leave you alone. There is no excuse for KILLING for American interests. Find your interests within America--its a rich and creative country--or can be. Let the ARAB LEAGUE handle their own terrorism problems, b.t.w.! KEEP AMERICA SAFE by bugging out and building this country strong... Single Payer Healthcare, too. Build America according to the model of the Nordic Nations... Scandinavia (and New Zealand) are the least corrupted countries in the world AND the happiest - and the best Democracies: SOCIAL DEMOCRACIES!! (you may bing or google for same info). And: csmonitor/World/Europe/2014/0511/Nordic-cuddly-capitalism-Utopia-no.-But-a-global-model-for-equity AND FOR HEAVENS SAKE, CLEAN UP THE AMERICAN (and help with World) ENVIRONMENT!! Stop Coal, Stop Fracking, turn to Clean Energy - wind, solar, etc. I have a plan for every driver in America to own and use at least a hybrid, if not an electric, CAR. Contact me if interested!! CARS are the second biggest polluters in the World!! IF WE DONT DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT, WE WONT BE AROUND TO PARTAKE OF THE OTHER BENEFITS YOU AND SUBSEQUENT (hopefully helpful) PRESIDENTS MAY ENACT. Thank you, Julieanna Los Angeles
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 08:49:59 +0000

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