MY OPION ON THE DAD THAT IS BEING CHARGED WITH MURDER PROTECTING HIS DAUGHTER!! Not that I condone murder at all but hard to say when confronted with this situation of protecting your child regardless of age etc! Unfortunately people that are in a DV situation often protect abuser and deny it when police arrive due to the grooming they receive from controlling abusive aggressive isolating partners. This dad apparently had had enough of hearing his daughter go through it any more. We dont have all the facts but if one of my daughters were in dAnger I would do whatever was necessary to protect them regardless of my consequence. I would try other methods before extreme but we werent there so we dont know the situation. Unfortunately abused women often are unable to remove themselves from a DV situation. Statistic say it takes 10 - 13 attempts to leave a abusive DV relationship and most fatalities happen when women are actually leaving when not done with safety measures in place etc. Like stalkhom syndrome - love their abuser its confusing and sickining because in the worse cases the abuser spends long time getting everyone around the women (family friends etc) to be tired of the relationship and isolate her from all apparent ave of help, making it FEEL impossible fir them to escape. THIS AREA NEEDS MORE PLACES LIKE HARMONY HOUSE TO EDUCATE AND SUPPORT THESE WOMEN! Trust me they dont like it and thats not why they stay, thats just a idiotic statement most say when they cant figure out why they dont leave etc ....
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 18:40:05 +0000

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