MY STORY PART 3 AND CONCLUSION TO PRESENT DAY • After Ms. Shannon Goffin of the firm Miller-Maki in Sudbury, Ontario had to step down for her maternity leave, she set me up with a lawyer in her firm, Matthew Madott. In April 2010, the offer to settle came from my ex’s then lawyer, Kristi Whitfield (the temporary order I mention in Part 2 that was to be for 6 months only) and I went from supervised to non-supervised day access to my children. As can be seen from the abundance of pictures and videos that were taken (a lot of which can be seen in my personal Facebook account), the kids were and are more than well-adjusted to this arrangement and I should have been granted a final order for overnight access. However, at the last minute before we would have to go to court to settle this matter, claims against me would be made without proof in an attempt to delay the matter and hopefully scare me into rolling over. One such claim was that the children always talk negatively about me and that the school (then St. Mary School in Blind River) “wrote a letter to this effect.” I attended the school and they not only assured me that this was not true, but they wrote me a letter stating that they never corresponded with her in any way by a letter and the secretary told me that my ex was in and asked for a letter on her behalf and the secretary told her that she cannot do so as this would be a conflict of interest. In the school records and health records that I previously mention I acquired, it shows that there is an extreme lack of rules and limitations in my children’s home, but also a lack of supervision in the home. One such example is when poison control had to be called because acetone was left where my then toddler daughter was easily able to get access to it and drank some. INCREDIBLE!! I could go on and on with so many examples including all the times that the police had to be involved and they had to make referrals to CAS. NO WONDER MY EX WOULDN’T DO WHAT THE COURT ORDER IN SEPTEMBER, 2009 STATED SHE HAD TO DO AND PROVIDE ME WITH ALL INFORMATION TO ANYONE PROVIDING SERVICES TO MY CHILDREN!! SHE HAD AND STILL HAS PLENTY TO HIDE!! • After my lawyer, Matthew Madott had to step down because he was moving to Mississauga; I retained Murdoch Carter of the firm Willson-Carter in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. In the meantime, after years of Kristi Whitfield helping my ex lie to the courts, I finally had enough and got all my duck in a row with proof and made a formal complaint to The Law Society of Upper Canada. They had the nerve to say that she did nothing wrong. Regardless, Kristi Whitfield stepped down as my ex’s counsel. At the first court appearance with Mr. Carter as my counsel, I called Kristi Whitfield’s bluff and Mr. Carter made the point to the presiding judge (again Justice Kukurin) that the evidence is consistent with parental alienation cases he’s been involved with in the past and that this has been going on long enough and we need to get it to trial asap. The judge agreed. Since that time, my ex had retained Chris Fitzgerald of the firm Allemano-Fitzgerald which has firms in both Sault Ste. Marie and Wawa, Ontario. INCREDIBLE THAT ANTHONY MARRATTO OF LEGAL AID’S SAULT STE. MARIE BRANCH WOULD CONTINUE TO APPROVE HER REQUEST FOR LEGAL AID FOR A ROUGHLY 8 YEAR PERIOD!! • Throughout the time that Justice Kukurin agreed that this needs to go to trial and the actual trial itself in October, 2012, my ex and her new lawyer tried the same tactics as she and Ms. Whitfield did. My ex and her lawyer were trying to have my access suspended for a 2 year period for a “cooling off.” However, In conjunction with the video and other evidence that my side had (of which I still have) the presiding judge, Justice Nathalie Gregson, made a final order in my favor which is similar to what I have now with a few inclusions such as that the children shall have any other access that they wish including overnight as long as my ex and I agree. C’MON!! SHE’LL NEVER AGREE!! • Since the time that my kids and I had daytime access commencing in April, 2010 and continuing to June, 2013, my kids and I have had a growing relationship and a strong bond. They also have been starting to see the real deal which shows that it is indeed mom that has been lying to them about me. They have also been showing me that they love me in their own way. Others on the outside looking in have seen this and have also seen the cries for help such as the children telling me things that they know mom doesn’t want me to know. Such people have been trying to help my children in an attempt to rescue them from my ex’s grasp so that they can live with me where things will turn around for the better. I am not ashamed to say that when asked by my lawyer at trial what I see in my children, I started to cry and said: “In Brooklyn, I see an independent spirit and maybe a little bit of a tomboy…In Austin I see a typical little boy who sometimes gets a little too rough when playing with me and needs my guidance..In Carmela, I see a future children’s author or a dog trainer…” When asked what I want for my children, still crying, I said: “I just want to love them and I want to see them do good in life. And I refuse to die until that happens.” • Throughout this whole time since trial came to an end, my ex has been up to her old tricks. On July 18, 2013, I received a message from a long-time friend of mine who has chosen to get involved as she sees the same thing that me and other concerned people see and has been trying to help. My ex has turned around and brought forth charges against my friend and now they have to go to court. I know my friend did nothing wrong and I am going to defend them. That same day, I texted my ex and said that this is the last straw, that I have evidence against her and that now it is time that I go for custody of my kids. • I was supposed to see my kids this past July 20 and 21, 2013. My ex did not show up with my children. I called the police and we eventually found out that she contacted CAS and had my access suspended for the time being. OF COURSE SHE HAD TO DO THIS!! SHE HAD TO TAKE OUT ANOTHER WITNESS AGAINST HER AND SINCE I SAID IT’S TIME FOR ME TO TAKE HER TO COURT FOR CUSTODY WITH MY EVIDENCE, SHE HAS TO GET ME OUT OF MY KID’S LIVES BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT AND THE PROVERBIAL TOWNSPEOPLE DON’T COME RUNNING TO HELP HER WHEN SHE CRIES WOLF AGAIN!! • So here we now are to the present day. I told CAS that I’ve had enough with them turning a blind eye to concerns we have regarding my children and aiding my ex trying to cover things up. I also told them that I will not let the courts and lawyers bleed me dry and use my kids as a pawn for their “legal extortion” any longer. I therefore told them that I am contacting W5, The Fifth Estate and The Dr. Phil Show so that I can bring my evidence to light and tell my story on TV. I also took Heather Goulding’s email and forwarded her the emails I sent to these shows and now recently forwarded her the email response I recently received back from The Fifth Estate along with a link to my page, Parents 4 Justice. I told her that I have no choice but to make this public so that my story is out there and when there is enough public outcry, the wrongdoers will have no choice. I let them know that I will do everything in my power to prevent them from victimizing another child and that they will be brought to justice. The CAS tried to lie to me and say that they tried to contact me. I bluntly told them they are lying and I have proof. I also told them that they have messed with the wrong father. • So there we have it folks. As I think of any information I may have forgot to mention, I will post it here on this page. In the meantime, anyone who has been or has gone through anything similar, feel free to post your story here. This is what this page is for. To raise awareness and fight for our children’s rights and happiness. Please feel free to like and share this page. WE NEED TO PROTEST AND PUSH PARLIAMENT FOR CHANGE!! LET’S DO THIS!! • I will part with some inspirational words for you all: “NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, I HAVE ALREADY WON THE BATTLE AND SUBSEQUENT WAR. MY CHILDREN WILL NEVER FORGET THE LOVE AND HAPPY TIMES I HAVE SHOWN THEM. THEY KNOW THAT THEY LOVE ME AND LOVE SPENDING TIME WITH ME. OTHER PEOPLE KNOW AND SEE THESE THINGS TOO. THEY KNOW I UNDERSTAND THAT THEY CANNOT TELL ME THIS OUT OF FEAR FOR THEIR MOTHER. THEY ALSO HAVE STARTED TO FIGURE OUT THE WHOLE STORY WHICH SHOWS WHAT MOM’S REAL INTENTS WERE AND ARE AND THAT SHE HAS LIED TO THEM. BECAUSE OF THIS, THEY WILL ONE DAY HAVE THIS REALLY SINK IN AND THEY WILL REMEMBER THE OFFER I HAVE MADE THEM FOR HELP AND A BETTER LIFE. AT THAT TIME, THEY WILL BE VERY UPSET WITH THEIR MOM AND I WILL RECEIVE THE CALL AND/OR THE KNOCK ON MY DOOR. THIS IS IMMINENT AND DEFINITE. KIDS, YOU KNOW THAT I’M OUT HERE AND WILL NEVER TURN MY BACK ON YOU. DADDY LOVES YOU. DON’T WORRY. WE WILL SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN AND I WILL NOT STOP MY FIGHT UNTIL YOU RECEIVE FROM ME THE GOOD LIFE YOU DESERVE.”
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 15:12:53 +0000

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