MY SWEET, PRECIOUS, GORGEOUS ANGEL WENT TO HEAVEN THIS MORNING No words can describe the emotions or pain that tear at my heart right now, and at the hearts of all the family, as this morning one of the most beautiful, sweetest, and most loving souls God ever created slipped out of this earthly realm and into the loving arms of her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Few, if any, were ever filled with so much love and such vibrancy of life as you were Sheri, nor are there many that had the incredible ability to bring such joy to so many hearts just by the sound of your voice, your bubbling laughter, or your big beautiful contagious smile, nor many who possessed the unfeigned ability to love, forgive and encourage others or to make even a total stranger or a complete down-and-outer feel so welcome and accepted without the slightest bit of judgment or condescension – and all you ever wanted in return was to be loved, respected and kept safe! And you had such an effervescent outgoing spirit about you that anyone who met you couldn’t help but love and appreciate you! You truly were, and you still are, a very unique and special specimen of God’s marvelous craftsmanship – and you would always make this proud Papa’s heart soar every time you told me, Dad, you’re the one that taught me scripture and you’re the one that taught me about the love of God, and I am so very much your daughter! But most of all Sheri, you loved your family, right from my beautiful huge-hearted mother, Gramma June, on down through each and every one of your aunts and uncles and all the siblings – and when it came to your immediate family – oh, how great was your heart of love for them and you were always bursting with pride, emphatically declaring, that’s my beautiful Mom Julie who has always tried to protect me, that’s my big strong handsome brother Mike who is my guardian angel, that’s my gorgeous talented son Brandon, my little baby boy all grown up into a wonderful man, that’s my smart precious girl Rachelle whose life God spared as a child and has now graduated with honors, that’s my sweet little Shaunia who’s grown up into such a beautiful young lady, and that’s my little baby girl Julia who is coming home in Jesus Name! And when it came to me – probably few fathers have ever felt so much love as you were ever telling me, Dad, you are my Hero, you are the greatest, most handsome, smartest, fearless dad in the world and I love you so very much and I need you so much in my life, more than you could ever know. You faithfully called and called me so many times in Africa as I was away from home fighting government corruption for so long, but you were always concerned and so happy and relieved just to hear my voice and to know your Daddy was alright and that I would be coming home safe and sound. And when I finally made it home a couple weeks ago, we enjoyed a number of nice days together, which were far too few and far too short, but then I told you on Friday afternoon that I was going to take you on a good long road trip with me – a long overdue very special date like we had talked about so many times – and not just a father/daughter one-night out alone together but a true road trip for 2-3 weeks visiting family and seeing our company directors where we would be able to enjoy a wonderful time together with just the two of us alone and a beautiful opportunity to just talk, laugh, sing, dance and heal while we made up for so much lost and precious time. Oh my dear Sheri, you were so ecstatic to hear that as you thrust your hands towards heaven in the park and shouted out with all your heart, ‘Amen Jesus, Yes, yes, thank you Lord, that is an answer to my prayers!’ You were so excited and literally bubbled over to everyone you saw that you were going on a road trip with your father, and you called Gramma June and Aunty Leona to tell them how thrilled you were, and they said you were beaming with an angelic radiance on your face in church Sunday morning as you praised God along with Mom and Shaunia and told everyone at church about the coming trip – much like an often repeated dream that was finally going to come to pass – and then you got your suitcase out to pack Sunday night, diligently made your list of important things to do before leaving, and then went to bed all excited and so happy with your heart filled with joy and anticipation, all fired up for a wonderful road trip with your Daddy. Oh baby, only God in His infinite wisdom knows why but my precious girl, you never woke up the next morning – instead you went on a celestial road trip with your Heavenly Daddy as the angels of heaven escorted your eternal spirit from your weary physical body into a much better place that is free of all pain and disappointment. So my precious Girl, we both know God’s infallible Word states that “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord,” and now you are in that marvelous presence of His Indescribable Eternal Love – but your unexpected sudden departure has left a huge gaping hole in our hearts down here which hearts will forever remember, love and cherish you each and every day until that glorious day that God has pre-ordained when we shall surely meet again in Glory to ever be together in the presence of the Lord! So my precious baby, my sweet sweet girl, my cherished and much loved firstborn, my biggest and greatest fan, and my loudest, boldest and most gorgeous cheerleader – you were a beautiful gift from God to all of us but you left far too soon – and you were, you still are, and you ever will be, the most AWESOME DAUGHTER any man could ever hope for! I love you so very much Girl, and I know that even as I try to write this you are looking down from that unseen heavenly realm and gently saying to all of us, I’m fine, it’s so beautiful and peaceful up here and there are so many incredible things to see, and Jesus – there are no words to describe Him – He is just so awesome – but down here Babe, we miss you so much and we will continue to miss you every day until that wonderful day we meet again! Love you so, so, so much my Precious Angel – Sheri Ann Lindstrom!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 12:49:01 +0000

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