Madhubala 22nd October 2013 Written Episode #tabby Part - TopicsExpress


Madhubala 22nd October 2013 Written Episode #tabby Part 1 Rishbala are shooting the romantic sequence..! Its passionate and all are happy with the chemistry..! In the shot, Madhu asks RK to take his hands away and he says why scared? Madhu has her arms around RKs neck and they are dancing..! Bittu tries to alert Mehul but he doesnt listen! Pabho and Radha barge in the shoot..! The duo move in for a kiss and Pabho is shocked..! Rishbala back hug and are dancing intimately..! RK touching Madhu all over and Dips takes clicks and shoots an MMS of it..! Pabho tells Radha yesterday Madhu was so shy but not today! RK removes Madhus blouse dori and Pabho and Radha are appalled..! Radha walks off..! Dips and Pabho smirk..! RK picks up Madhu and puts her on the bed and Mehul says cut it.. brilliant.. superb..! Mehul smirks.. was worried..if they are hubby wife or not? This is called Ishq-Ek Junoon.. what fire what chemistry! Next shot being prepared! RK tells Madhu for a while lost focus on Anamika.. n thanks her and Madhu says lets leave! RK-Madhu return together and Radha calls Madhu aside..! She asks for tea for Madhu n then asks if Madhu talked to RK about the scene? Madhu says yes! Radha asks if scene went as per Madhus desire? Madhu says talked. but for the film n director this scene is important.. ! RK taught me and so i did it easily..! Radha tells Madhu to never forget her identity ..first RKs wife..then daughter in law of this house and then heroine.! Madhu says i know. .but why telling today? Radha says know RK is short tempered ..but marriage is like a series of flowers in garland.. tied by faith n trust.. if its broken.. marriage will be ripped off..! Madhu is the thread of Rishbala marriage! She says.. woman has more patience and maturity than man so have expectations from u to handle this home. .RK and relations! Radha walks off! Next day morning … Dips takes newspaper from servant and shows RK- Madhus intimate pics on front page.. with title that RK is using Madhu for success! Pabho says this is not news..this will break things deep within! Madhu comes to offer to make breakfast but Radha says RK said she doesnt need to do go ..! Madhu is zapped..! Pabho asks Dips to hide the papers in front of Radha n she asks why? Radha sees the paper and is shocked..! Radha walks off to confront Madhu ..!! Part 2 Madhu asks Radha what is the matter? Radha says figure it out urself ..then we will talk! RK calls Madhu n she goes..! At the shoot .. whole set is abuzz..! RK asks whats the matter? Part 3 Bittu takes RK aside but Madhu sees the papers..! She is shocked.! RK is surprised! RK asks to find out who leaked the pics? Madhu says he promised all will be din wanna shoot! Madhu says all will tease us..! Madhu walks off..! RK calls out to her..! Mehul asks the matter? He is shown the papers .. ! Precap — Mehul tells RK that if he doesnt get back his heroine back he will walk off and wont return! Madhu asks RK to understand.. RK says what?? If she leaves like this.. whole film will be affected and i wont tolerate that!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 15:29:58 +0000

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