Madrasah Education; Proper management is not in place Our - TopicsExpress


Madrasah Education; Proper management is not in place Our madrasah education is really weak in terms of infrastructure, standard of teaching, and staff. Proper management is not in place Recent events make us think about the kind of reformations needed in madrasa education. It is a fact that some madrasa students have gotten involved with militancy. These students do not have proper knowledge of Islam, but they are motivated in such a way by their teachers, that they are willing to sacrifice their lives. It has become a matter of great concern for the government and the general public. Since madrasa education is basically religious, students could be highly motivated if the religion was taught correctly. Our madrasa education is really weak in terms of infrastructure, standard of teaching, and staff. We find that poor people generally send their wards to the madrasas. The worst-behaved boys of the families are sent to the madrasas for rectification. Proper management is not in place in these madrasas, although madrasa education should be a special type of education. It must be noted that there is a difference between gathering knowledge about religion, and imparting the skills needed to prepare people for life in the modern world. So, this form of education needs to be given special attention. A study revealed that since independence, madrasas have increased eightfold, whereas primary schools have only doubled in number. We must, therefore, be more concerned about what they are teaching, as the sheer magnitude of their growth indicates that the large number of students getting this type of education is left incapable of competing for jobs in the modern workplace. It is high time to think about solutions to this problem. The following points may be considered to improve the madrasa system. Madrasa education should be considered a special type of education. In that case, the government would sponsor madrasa education. There is no need for the existence of so many madrasas. One madrasa with adequate facilities in each district should be enough. Only meritorious students should be granted admission to the madrasas. They would be taught from a larger curriculum that includes social sciences, natural sciences, and mathematics, as well as English. They should also offer comparative study of other religions as a special subject. Scholars from different fields should be hired as madrasa teachers, and should be allowed special financial benefits so that they may devote themselves to research, without constantly having to worry about supporting their families. They would teach with dedication. A Shariah council constituting of the most outstanding Islamic scholars would govern these madrasas. Part of the funding could come from rich benefactors in surrounding neighbourhoods. Madrasa students should be versatile in acquiring knowledge, so that they can interpret Islam correctly in the context of the modern era. The government would arrange employment for these qualified Islamic thinkers as Imams of mosques, teachers of religious education, jurists, and as Shariah councilmen. Religion is the knowledge that links us to the creator and the spiritual world. In the material world, there are the arts, literature, medicine, commerce, and so on, while in the spiritual world, there are senses, the mind and the soul. Religion teaches us about those. Religion is aimed at elevating people, and it pulls them towards humanity. There are things known to humankind and there are things unknown. Islam is described as a complete code of life for humankind, from birth to death. Each and every aspect of life, according to Islam, needs to be controlled, regulated, and nourished by this code. So, religious institutions like madrasas need to be under strict discipline. These institutions should ensure a better education. Source: geebd/view_News_Details.aspx?news_Id=1047&type_Id=182a27e8-f947-4946-b281-14dfa70d30c3
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 05:55:01 +0000

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