Maher-Shalal-Hash-Bas Hasten to the Plunder - Speedily to the - TopicsExpress


Maher-Shalal-Hash-Bas Hasten to the Plunder - Speedily to the Spoil” I was taken aback on Wednesday at the Prophetic Alert because right from the first prayer, the Spirit of Prophecy, Jesus, began to manifest. So much was uttered in those 25 minutes. Please watch it before attending the Den tomorrow. This has been an intense week of consecrated prayer, and as we enter into Fall, already we are seeing the signs and shakings of what was predicted months ago. However, that is not what I am concentrating on. While praying for Israel, the USA, Iraq, Syria, and Iran, and while hearing the cries of the martyrs in the Middle East, suddenly I was aware of a Scroll being opened in my Garden. It was as clear as day before me and what was written on the scroll did not make much sense when I first saw it, but as I studied scriptures thereafter, I realized what was going to be the outcome of this present global crisis. My team is constructing a scroll and a pen for the Den tomorrow, and your participation is going to release the very words on the scroll into your lives first. I am extremely excited about this and anticipate God will reveal more of what was uttered on our Prophetic Alert on Wednesday. Some of those revelations were: - 11 terror organizations emerging - one of which will carry a traitor (to their cause) and as a result of the martyrdom, a Damascus road conversion amongst these terror groups. (Stephen was martyred and the result was Saul of Tarsus’ conversion) - The prophecy stated that the concern was not so much that these terrorists would come across the border, but rather that they have established themselves in a fairly untidy manner and nevertheless are in the USA already. - Child prophets emerging from the Middle East amidst the corruption and murder. So much more was revealed to us and will be tomorrow. What was shown to Isaiah in his day is about to happen to some of these nations in our day. Prophets like Isaiah not only spoke their messages, but they sometimes acted them out. It is common for God to ask prophets to expose important aspects of their families’ lives to demonstrate a message He wants to convey. The scroll that Isaiah saw is what was revealed to me in my Garden and God has instructed me to place a scroll on our stage tomorrow. Everyone who participates will receive the words that are written on the scroll, which was what I first saw - “MAHER-SHALAL-HASH-BAS: HASTEN TO THE PLUNDER, SPEEDILY TO THE SPOIL.” I want every one of you who wants the treasures to hasten and accelerate, to join me and decree and receive that promise. I’ll share more details at the Den. The blessing is there for you to receive. All God requires is for you to WRITE IT DOWN. “I hasten to the plunder; speedily to the spoil.” Codebreakers: On Codebreakers, we are analyzing the prophetic scrolls of divine insight given last Saturday and Wednesday regarding Isis and 11 terror groups that would emerge, and other prophetic utterances released years ago. Prophecy is unfolding rapidly and we must have divine understanding and acute awareness during this particular time and season we have just entered. What is happening with radical terror groups is not just taking place “over there”, but there are evil plans being hatched within our borders “over here”. What did God promise us about His seal? You must claim this seal for you and your family. This Saturdays broadcast (September 27th) will be LIVE online from 12PM PT/3PM ET/7PM GMT. You can join us at at the scheduled time. We will replay this event immediately following the LIVE broadcast.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 18:34:15 +0000

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