Malaysia Airlines flight departing the Adelaide Airport in - TopicsExpress


Malaysia Airlines flight departing the Adelaide Airport in Australia was ordered to abort its takeoff to avoid an incoming Tiger Air flight on Tuesday.The Tiger Air flight from Melbourne performed a standard “go-around” as its approach to the airport was too high and fast for landing.Malaysia flight 136 bound for Kuala Lumpur was already accelerating on the runway when the air traffic controllers canceled its takeoff clearance, stating that the Malaysia flight would be ascending underneath the go-around.The crew stopped the aircraft on the runway and the Tiger Air flight landed safely on its second approach. MH136 resumed its takeoff 25 minutes after the Tiger Air plane landed and arrived in Kuala Lumpur with a 10 minute delay. 馬航險與虎航相撞 馬來西亞航空一架由澳洲阿德萊德(Adelaide)飛往馬來西亞的飛機,前日於跑道準備起飛期間,被及時通知飛行航道有問題,才避過與另一架飛機相撞。據英國《每日郵報》報導,這架載有167名乘客的MH136客機,阿德萊德機場跑道準備起飛期間,在最後一刻才獲航空交通管制中心,通知飛行航道可能與新加坡虎航一架空中巴士相撞,要求馬航立刻中止起飛,避免近距離飛越虎航,馬航事後應要求緊急剎機、暫停起飛。報導也形容虎航當時以「又高又快」的飛行速度逼近馬航,幸好阿德萊德航空管制員及時通知MH136,避免釀成另一起馬航空難。
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 10:11:59 +0000

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