Malik Obama maintained close relationship with Libyan dictator - TopicsExpress


Malik Obama maintained close relationship with Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi for decades...Malik Obama was the best man at Barack Obama’s wedding in 1992, but he was not the only member of the wedding party who had met with Gadhafi. Jeremiah Wright, spiritual adviser to Barack Obama and officiant at the Obamas’ wedding, visited Tripoli in 1984 with Louis Farrakhan. 9:24 PM 07/17/2013 Charles C. Johnson President Barack Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama, had a close relationship with Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi that continued from the 1980s until the dictator’s death. A photograph obtained by the Daily Caller shows Malik smiling with Gadhafi. Photos of Gadhafi from the time period appear to place the photo somewhere between 1987-1990, around the same time as the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing and the Lockerbie bombing in 1988, for both of which Libya was responsible. Obama was a vocal supporter of the Libyan dictator and once interceded with his brother on Gadhafi’s behalf during the Libyan civil war, according to an interview with the Daily Mail’s Angella Johnson. The fondness continued after Gadhafi’s death. Obama dedicated his co-written book, ”Barack Obama Sr. The Rise and Life of a True African Scholar” to Gadhafi, General Mahamat Nour of Chad, and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. A previous photograph released by the Mail depicted Malik Obama and Gadhafi well past middle age, but the latest photograph appears to show a younger Malik Obama and raises new questions about the relationship of the president’s half-brother with the state sponsor of terrorism. Obama, according to the Mail, met with Gadhafi “half a dozen times.” The relationship with Gadhafi also raises questions about how Malik Obama was permitted to work and travel within the United States, including working for companies that had government contracts. Malik Obama was the best man at Barack Obama’s wedding in 1992, but he was not the only member of the wedding party who had met with Gadhafi. Jeremiah Wright, spiritual adviser to Barack Obama and officiant at the Obamas’ wedding, visited Tripoli in 1984 with Louis Farrakhan. Wright bragged about his ties to Gadhafi in a 2007 interview with Jodi Kantor of the New York Times: “When his enemies find that in 1984 I went to Tripoli” to visit Gadhafi “with Farrakhan, a lot of [Obama’s] Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell.” The Daily Caller has also uncovered Malik Obama’s Twitter account. The president’s half-brother defends Gadhafi and compares what Israel is doing to the Palestinians to what Gadhafi was doing to the Libyan people. In July 6, 2011, Obama tweeted, “I oppose the attack on Libya and prefer/support a solution that involves negotiation, understanding and presentation of facts.” He continued in another two tweets: “As there are those who oppose and despise the leader of Libya so too are those who oppose and despite what Israel is doing to Palestinians…. We aught[sic] to apply standards evenly.” Malik Obama is the founder of a shady “charity,” the Barack H. Obama Foundation. The Foundation has taken in over $250,000 but reported only $25,000 on its 990s. It does not appear to have done any of its stated charity work in Kenya. Although the Barack H. Obama Foundation operated illegally in the United States for several years, its application for non-profit status was rapidly approved by Lois Lerner the IRS official at the center of the scandal over targeting of conservative groups for abusive audits and delays. Follow Charles on Twitter Tags: Barack Obama, IRS Audit Scandal, Kenya, Malik Obama, Moammar Gadhafi Read more: dailycaller/2013/07/17/malik-obama-maintained-close-relationship-with-libyan-dictator-muammar-gadhafi-for-decades/#ixzz2ZVQJ0pdg
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 15:33:39 +0000

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