Mama Concern/Struggle- My daughter is in high school and has a 5 - TopicsExpress


Mama Concern/Struggle- My daughter is in high school and has a 5 week old baby girl. She is also exclusively breastfeeding. She was pushed to go back to school at 3 weeks postpartum. But as she adamantly does not want her baby to have a drop of formula, she has run into some hurdles. Some days she hasnt pumped enough milk and has chosen to miss school rather than have her baby receive formula. She doesnt always get to pump 2 or 3 times in her 8 hour school day and has not been able to get a couple of days ahead on her milk supply. And when she is home, her baby is always at the breast. The schools daycare ( which is across town from her school) is pushing her to supplement, she is facing losing her credits for the semester, her babys other grandma who watches her some days is pushing her to supplement, because it is inconvenient to drive To the school to pick up milk from my daughter. I am proud of her that she feels so strongly about this, but I really dont know what to tell her at this point. Ive told her everything I know to increase milk supply, she has a Medela double electric pump. Now she is looking at spending her lunch hour making up time from missed classes, instead of eating and pumping. It is frustrating because she has missed school because she is doing what she feels is best for her baby.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 23:25:00 +0000

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