Man Aint That Good News - Sam Cooke Great appointment - TopicsExpress


Man Aint That Good News - Sam Cooke Great appointment yesterday! All results look great. Surgery is as planned and future methotrexate are as planned. All great news! Jackson had MRIs, X-rays and CT scan Thursday, ordered by Dr. Reed for pre surgery. The CT scan was to confirm that the cancer is still isolated in the left femur - and IT IS! The imagining would also would show a comparison between the tumor pre chemo and after 5 rounds of chemo - It Was Spot On! When Dr. Reed arrived into our room at Clinic today he walked in saying, Great images Jackson! Everything is looking just the way we want it to look. When looking at the MRIs (split screen) to compare Set. 6, 2014 to Nov. 20th - it showed that the inflammation had decreased and some bone growth (or strengthening) was happening where the tumor is. This is just want we wanted to hear. We were told since the first day that chemo would not shrink this type of tumor but instead kill the cancer cells. When Dr Reed explained the non shrinking of the tumor he said, Think of the tumor as a turtle shell. The shell does not change sizes even though the turtle inside is dead. We talked a lot about the methotrexate fluctuating and the creatinine level rising and falling (which his CRTN level was still high on Friday.) Dr. Reed said that these levels are going to do that and that he has not been overly concerned in regards to the methotrexate taking so long to exit Jacksons body. We are going to continue with the rounds of chemo that have been scheduled all along. The methotrexate just might take a little longer which might prolong our weeks in these chemo processes. He told us that he is not the kind of doctor thats going to be overly anxious nor does he want us as a family to be overly anxious. He is watching his numbers and will make adjustments as necessary. Jackson will go visit Dr. been ETA at Moffitt Cancer Center on Monday then we will go enjoy a family outing in Tampa after that. Tuesday Jackson will be in surgery starting at 7:30 and I will be sure to send you all updates and posts as soon as I can give you any information. We have had an awesome week at home trying to maximize every single minute out of the hospital. We have gone to see movies visit family and also do a few things around Belcher elementary school. Jackson got the approval from Dr. Reed to head up to hunt camp this weekend so he and his dad are sitting in the woods as I type! They will return home tomorrow afternoon and we will enjoy family Thanksgiving dinner. Sure hope you are all enjoying your weekend and maximizing your fun just the way we are!!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 20:56:13 +0000

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