Man Gets Dumped by Cool Town, Claims Cool Town is in fact Not - TopicsExpress


Man Gets Dumped by Cool Town, Claims Cool Town is in fact Not Cool. A college educated one-trick-pony who bought into the american bullshit that with an $80,000 degree in hand, the world would hand him a lucrative job pertaining to his boutique college major that would enable him to support his stay-at-home wife and numerous children in materialistic style. Note to college kids, if you get a specialized degree, success is not guaranteed, and you will most likely only succeed in a place that has a thriving industry in that field, like say, California or New York, as the author clearly is aware. Thats not to say one couldnt make it in Asheville as a graphic designer if one had the enterpreneurial spirit, and you know, HAD A WEBSITE OR SOMETHING offering to fill whatever freelance niches Asheville has to offer in graphic design, and showcasing his work. (which the author doesnt have). As for the statistics offered, most lack citation, and several apply to the State of NC, not Asheville. The cost of living comparison is laughable considering that the top areas for his field, New York and California, have significantly higher cost of living than Asheville, and the places to which he chose to compare Asheville cost of living expenses are considerably less desirable locations to live, by many, many measures. Thats not to say that there isnt genuine suffering, or genuine issues that need addressing on the national, state, and local levels such as minimum wage, affordable housing for low wage service industry workers and families, etc, but most of these problems are not unique to Asheville. The National economy is in the dumps and that effects people everywhere. The gist of this article: I couldnt make it in Asheville, so Im blaming Asheville, and giving you the excuse to blame Asheville if youre not making it either is not the sort of attitude that leads to success in life.If youre going to make a big move in your life, make it because you see a bright future before you in Minnesota or Iowa or wherever, not because Asheville is broken, because its not. It may not be right for everyone and it may not be right for you, but some (many) of us love it, with good reason, challenges and all. ashevilleblade/?p=306
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 18:16:03 +0000

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