Mansour mulls Syria complaint BEIRUT: Caretaker Foreign Minister - TopicsExpress


Mansour mulls Syria complaint BEIRUT: Caretaker Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour is still mulling over a request by President Michel Sleiman to file complaints to the Arab League and the United Nations over Syrian violations of Lebanese territories, political sources told The Daily Star Friday. The sources said Mansour was “looking into Sleiman’s request and determining under which form the requests would be filed. “The foreign minister has yet to decide whether he is going to send a complaint or a memo listing all of the Syrian violations,” one source said. The source said Mansour held extensive talks with Sleiman’s adviser for diplomatic affairs, Naji Abi Assi, over the issue of the complaints. In a move seen as raising simmering tensions between the two neighbors, Sleiman instructed Mansour this week to lodge complaints with the Arab League and the U.N. against Syria, sources said Thursday, for violating Lebanese sovereignty and jeopardizing the lives of citizens. Read more: (The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 16:39:08 +0000

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