Many amazing ideas.. BUT never stop or replace-- without seeking - TopicsExpress


Many amazing ideas.. BUT never stop or replace-- without seeking your doctor if already being treated ¯`•.•´¯)¸•´¯`☆ .`•.¸¸.• ´ • > AllAboutLosingTheInches... ★Improve your diet: The skin is the bodys largest organ of elimination - this means that whatever you put INTO your body may be reflected on the outside as your skin excretes waste. Focus on eating foods that promote gut and liver health and eliminate as many processed and high-gluten foods as possible. Eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, mostly in their raw form. Eat plenty of foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids such as salmon, chia, walnuts and hemp seed. Cut out bread, pasta, cereals and other processed, carbohydrate rich foods. ★Eliminate milk and dairy products: Cows milk is possibly the main dietary trigger for eczema, so it is worth cutting it out of your diet (at least temporarily) to see if you notice an improvement. Cows milk can be quite acidic and is often filled with hormones and chemicals which negatively impact the immune system and aggravate eczema. Try eliminating all cows milk for at least two weeks and see if you notice any difference. There are many substitutes you can use such as goat, sheep and buffalo milk. For a non-animal substitute, you can use coconut milk, almond milk, soy milk, hazelnut, oat and rice milk. ★Take natural supplements. Some of the best ones include: Fatty Acids: Fatty acids help to relieve dry skin and reduce inflammation, making them effective for treating eczema. For best results, choose a supplement that contains Omega 3, 6 and 9. Vitamins A, D and E: The combined skin benefits of these vitamins is impressive -- they help the skin to retain hydration, improve its texture, boost collagen production and protect it from free radicals. Supplements containing gamma-linolenic acid: Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is a fatty acid found in evening primrose oil, borage oil and blackcurrant oil. It is believed to help relieve skin inflammation and to correct the balance of lipids in the skin. ★Use Aloe Vera: Many people have found it effective in the treatment of eczema, as it soothes itchiness and moisturizes the dry, flaky skin. •Although aloe vera is commonly used as an ingredient in many skin care products, these lotions and gels may also contain ingredients that irritate the skin. For this reason, it is best to buy an aloe vera plant from your local garden center or nursery and use the pure aloe vera gel instead. To use the aloe vera, snap off a leaf and squeeze out the clear, gel-like substance. Smear this gel over the skin effected by eczema and leave to soak in. You can store the leaf in the refrigerator for multiple uses. Pure aloe vera is not associated with any negative side effects when used topically, so it is safe to use as often as necessary. ★Try Chamomile: Chamomile is a popular natural treatment for eczema, as it is said to sooth itchiness and calm inflammation. It can be used in one of two ways: •Firstly, you can make chamomile tea by brewing dried chamomile flowers in boiling water for approximately 15 minutes. Strain the flowers and allow the tea to cool slightly. Make a warm compress by soaking a clean cloth in the chamomile, wringing out the excess moisture, then pressing it against the affected skin for 10-15 minutes. Secondly, you can use chamomile essential oils to sooth eczema, either by massaging the oils directly onto the skin, or adding a few drops to a warm bath. Be aware that some people develop on allergic reaction to chamomile, so you may want to test it on a small patch of skin before using. ★Apply Calendula Lotion: Calendula is a marigold-like flower whose extract is commonly use in skin lotions and salves. It is reputed to have skin healing properties, while also reducing pain and inflammation. Many calendula products, such as soaps, oils, lotions, salves and creams can be found at health food stores. •These products are preferable to those found in drug stores, as they usually contain a higher percentage of pure calendula and less potentially irritating ingredients. Calendula products can be applied liberally all over the skin, as they are not known to produce any negative side effects when applied topically. ★Use Organic Coconut Oil: Organic cold pressed virgin coconut oil is a highly effective moisturizer which many eczema suffers claim to be far more effective than expensive store bought creams. It can be found in health food stores, online and in select supermarkets. Apply the oil (which looks like a solid but quickly melts) on eczema patches all over the body and allow to sink in.[13] •Cold pressed means that the oil was processed at temperatures below 116 degrees, allowing all of the oils nutrients, enzymes and minerals to be preserved. ★Take Evening Primrose Oil: Evening primrose oil is popularly believed to help with eczema, as it contains gamma-linolenic acid, a rare fatty acid which nourishes the skin and it thought to correct deficiencies in skin lipids, thus reducing inflammation. Evening primrose oil is usually taken orally, as a supplement. ★Try Sweet Almond Oil: Sweet almond oil is often used in the treatment of eczema as it contains ursolic and oleic acids, which are believed to reduce inflammation and help repair the skin. It can be applied liberally all over the body as a moisturizer, or it can be spread all over the skin before baths and showers, creating a barrier that protects the skin from the drying effects of hot water. ★Take Warm Baths: A warm bath -- containing added eczema-soothing ingredients -- can be very effective in easing itchiness and relieving pain. Remember that hot water can aggravate eczema, so keep the temperature in the lukewarm to warm range. Some of the best additions include: •Oatmeal or colloidal oatmeal: Regular uncooked oatmeal or colloidal oatmeal (which is a form of very finely ground oatmeal made specifically for bathing in) can be sprinkled into the bathwater to soothe dry skin. •Baking Soda: A tablespoon of baking soda can be added to the bathwater to ease symptoms of itchiness. •Bleach: One half a cup of regular bleach can be diluted in bathwater for a remedy that is believed to kill bacteria on the surface of the skin, thus preventing the eczema from spreading. This dilution is intended for a standard U.S. bath tub, filled to the drainage holes. [14] It is advisable to start out using one quarter cup of bleach. Do not ever exceed one half cup. Make sure to use regular (6%) bleach. Some brands of bleach are sold in concentrated form which will affect the dilution. ★Minimize Stress: •Meditate: Taking just a few minutes out of every day to go somewhere peaceful, close your eyes and focus on your breathing can be hugely beneficial for both your mental and physical health. Try repeating a relaxing mantra to yourself as you mediate, such as I am calm or I am at peace. Activities such as yoga or pilates can have equally beneficial results. •Listen to music. Listening to music has been proven to lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety, making it a great antidote for stress. Soothing music, such as classical music or sounds from nature can be extremely relaxing, but singing along to classic rock at the top of your lungs will make you happy! •Get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation is a major stress-inducer, so getting a full 7-8 hours sleep a night is essential for reducing stress. If youre a troubled sleeper, try having a relaxing bath before bedtime, make sure your bedroom is cool and dark, and switch off any screens or electronics at least an hour before sleep. ★Choose Non-Irritating Soaps and Shampoos: The products you use in the shower can have a huge impact on the condition of your skin, so it is important to be aware of the products you are using and the ingredients they contain. As a general rule, the more natural and moisturizing a product is, the less irritating it will be on eczema-prone skin. You should avoid anti-bacterial and deodorant products, as these can be extremely drying. •Avoid shower gels and soaps with dyes and perfumes -- while they may look and smell nice, they are usually full of chemicals which are harsh and drying on the skin. •Avoid any products containing sodium lauryl sulfate. This ingredient is found in a huge array of soaps and shampoos, as it works as a foaming agent. However, sodium lauryl sulfate (which is also used in products to clean cars and garage floors) can be highly irritating and drying on the skin. It also breaks down skins natural proteins, making skin more vulnerable to outside contaminants. ★Use a Humidifier: Dry air in your bedroom and home can exacerbate skin conditions such as eczema, causing the skin to become dehydrated and flaky. You can remedy this situation by investing in an air humidifier which will add moisture to the air and to your skin. ╔═════════════ ೋღ ღೋ ══════════════╗
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 13:18:33 +0000

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