Many moons ago, when Vinnie Paz and some of the Philly guys - TopicsExpress


Many moons ago, when Vinnie Paz and some of the Philly guys crashed at my apartment one night in Boston, an old, old picture somehow surfaced of my frail 11 year old body flexing. The flexing itself was ridiculous, but the fact I was in nothing but my home-made Macho Man Randy Savage tighty whities put it over the edge. Yeah, way back then, when I was 11, I was such a wrestling fanatic that I wrote Macho Man on the back of my undies and paraded around the house like that. The night the Philly guys found this picture was a night Ive yet to live down, so trust me, 15 years later, when we suddenly found ourselves in a wrestling ring, and Im wearing a skin-tight singlet by choice, old memories have come full circle. We laughed forever that night, and laughed forever during this Terrorrstorm video shoot. That morning, every dude in the crew arrived by themselves, as themselves: Paz with no wig, Crypt with no know, Reef had a shirt on and shit. Everybody acted cool, like this was just another video shoot...until the wigs came out, the shirts came off, and the animals arrived. Bessie was the chosen one out of five canines that our homie Stress brought to the set. Hes as much of a dog person as I am, so for him to offer his canine army for the video meant a lot. My Sleezar Millan character needed a mascot/manager, and Bessie came through BIG. I can only imagine what she was thinking during the shoot, being passed from a guy at a urinal fake-peeing to a big masked wrestler over and over again. We probably spent two hours on that bathroom scene alone, and I assure you, getting ambushed by 5 wrestlers kicking me in the gut and sticking my face in and out of a piss pot isnt all its cracked up to be. Weve had a few silly moments in our careers individually, but as AOTP, weve always been the mic-murdering, metaphor-mastering monsters who never crack a smile. The truth is, we clown around all the time and I hope this collective effort shows you a side seldom seen from us. Pablo, one of the longest tenured Superegular / Philly guys, really nailed his Romeo Ray Rivera character...yeah, he was wearing a wig, but the mustache was frighteningly real. All of the Pharaohs really showed up and Im proud of them, but the video wouldnt be possible without the hard work and patience of the Chikara wrestlers (Ophidian, Amasis, Hallowicked, Fire Ant, and Silver Ant). These guys helped us execute the classic moves that weve all tried on our living room couches at one point in life. Not only were we working with skilled wrestlers, we were actually IN THE RING. A real ring, and not just any old ring, a ring in the former ECW Arena in Philly. I was like a toddler in a bouncy house; i was testing the ropes, the turnbuckles, and dropping elbows on the mat. I was demanding that Crypt throw me into the ropes. Suddenly I was that 11 year old kid again. Even my experiences with John Cena never led to any ring work- just studio, music, and can-you-please-come-up-with-some-Undertaker-disses-because-Im-facing-him-in-2-hours type stuff. You knew I had to work a Cena name-drop into this, right? Forgive me, I just thought that would be my wrestling apex. Nope, Terrorstorm is. One could say making this video was the most fun Ive had since my Dad (the opposite of a wrestling fan) forced himself to bring me to see the Road Warriors at the Crockett Cup in Baltimore in 87. My only wish was that it was 60 minutes long and all of the characters could shine a light on their backstories. Yeah, I was into it...before we even finished the treatment I was designing t-shirts for my character, Sleezer Millan, the Best in Show and inventing his signature moves (the dog catcher, Bessies bone, the sit pretty, and preferring to settle grudges in a steel crate match). I wasnt alone by any means, as Vinnie was talking about this Perfect Pazzie gimmick weeks before the shoot. I knew the feeling he had striking Hallowicked with that belt, its like dunking the ball for the first time. When Reef was Junkyard Dogging it in the ring, he was a natural like Butch Reed and lit the room up. My DDT wouldnt have been possible without Ophidian making me look like an 87 Jake Roberts. The whole thing was as fun as it looked and Im glad people are digging it! Shouts to Yan the Phenomenon and Peter, Chris, and Novak at Prime Cut for their hard work making this video what it is. If you want a Sleezer Millan shirt, get at me. If you want an AOTP shirt & cd go to www merchdirect com/jedimindtricks ..and dont forget: Heavy Lies the Crown drops 10/21, and the Pharaoh Crew is live in Santa Ana 10/22 and LA on 10/24. We are accepting reality show offers. - Esoteric aka Sleezar Millan, The Best in Show (find me on twitter and instagram: @MCEsoteric)
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 13:52:02 +0000

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