Many of you know that I have a French Bulldog. Most of you know - TopicsExpress


Many of you know that I have a French Bulldog. Most of you know that Stitch has had a history of medical problems that started from the moment I got him. When he was a puppy he was diagnosed with Pyloric stenosis This required a surgery at the University of Georgia. Basically he was cut open from stem to stern from that surgery, but being the tough guy he is he pulled through. A few years later Stitch had a violent seizure, a seizure so bad that I thought he had fallen off the bed and broken his back. Working with his vet we put him on a low dose of Phenobarbital. This helped with his seizures, but never stopped them completely. One day Stitch collapsed and I rushed him to the vet. As with most pug nosed dogs, Stitchs airways had become blocked. Once again we took him to UGA for surgery. The surgery was successful, but in the process they had to do a tracheotomy. Stitch healed from that and was back to his frenchie ways. Then he started having issues with his back and hind legs. That meant he was on his way for a third surgery. Again, the surgery was performed at UGA and again they said it was a success. A success with an asterisk. He would only ever be 80% from the back surgery. After he was given time to heal Stitch was almost back to his normal self, but I could always tell he was only 80%. Some days he walked like Johnny Depps version of Captain Sparrow. Some days he ran up the stairs, some days he hopped. Then he hopped up the stairs and would no longer run. Then the day came where he would stand at the base of the stairs and look up at me. That look was my sign to pick him up and carry him. Saturday, like just about every Saturday, I came home from work and Stitch was waiting for me. I asked him if he wanted to walk over to meemow and pappys (my parents live next door). And as always, when he heard the words meemow and pappy his ears perked up and he made a beeline for the back door. This time I noticed his walking was more unsteady than usual. We walked on the short path they the woods where we were met by my dad. Stitch wobbled to the driveway and he plopped down. I was able to get him to take a few more steps, but after that he had no more strength in his hind legs. His last steps were that Saturday. I carried him home and hoped that it was something that would wear off. Sunday morning Stitch was still unable to walk and so I started looking for a doggy wheelchair for him online. I knew this day would come. I had been forewarned by the vets. I talked with them about the doggy wheelchair long before last Saturday, but I didnt want to bite the bullet and buy one. I shouldve been more proactive and had one ready for this inevitable day. I didnt though. So Amazon to the rescue. I researched a few wheelchairs for dogs and Amazon had some that I looked at in stock. I wanted to get it for Stitch as soon as possible so I pulled the trigger and bought one thru Amazon. I am an Amazon Prime member and so I was offered 1 day shipping for just $5.99. Even better since I procrastinated on this purchase. I ordered this on Sunday and I got my confirmation that the order went thru. I was given a Wednesday delivery date which didnt seem that out of line since I ordered late Sunday evening. Today I kept checking to see if it had delivered and it stared on their website that it had not. All day I checked and all day I got this item has not yet shipped. So I called Amazon this evening and I am here to tell you that if they treat me the way I was treated on the phone tonight anytime I have a problem than they will have a customer for life. The guy was polite, honest and most importantly he had the problem straightened out in mere minutes. He told me the item shouldve shipped on Sunday, that it would be delivered to me tomorrow and he refunded my $5.99. I have always had great results with Amazon, but this sealed the deal. Anyway, pray that this wheelchair will work and get Stitch back up in his feet...or feet and 2 wheels.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 23:48:59 +0000

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