Many people have claimed that the United States is not mentioned - TopicsExpress


Many people have claimed that the United States is not mentioned in the prophecies of the Bible. Actually the US was plainly foretold in the Holy Scriptures, 2,300 years before the Declaration of Independence. The US and modern nations are clearly mentioned in Bible prophecies that are being fulfilled right before our eyes. God, in his foreknowledge and wisdom, saw the nations that would exist at the time of His return. In His love, He gave Daniel a vision so that we might have understanding in these last days and prepare ourselves for His soon return! The Endtime Nations The Bible prophesies in many places that, immediately before the Kingdom of God is established, a world government will rule the earth for a very short period of time. In these prophecies we are given a detailed description of the last world power that shall reign over the peoples of the earth immediately before the return of Jesus Christ. The beasts of Daniel’s vision, found in Daniel chapter 7, bear an uncanny resemblance to nations in our modern world, including the United States. The beasts represent nations that will be in existence on earth when Jesus comes to establish His kingdom. If we can prove that these nations exist right now, then we can know that we live in the era of Jesus’ promised Second Coming! Modern Nations Represented in the Bible We can identify the kingdom of the ten horns that will be the last kingdom upon the face of the earth prior to the establishment of the Kingdom of God by Jesus Christ. We can identify the modern nations represented by the lion, the bear, the eagle, and the leopard in Daniel 7. The symbols used to depict modern nations in Daniel 7 are used one other time in scripture, but in a different way.In Daniel 7, the four beasts depict four individual nations. In Revelation 13, the Apostle John saw a vision of one beast instead of four. The one beast was described as having the body of the leopard, the feet of the bear, the mouth of the lion, and the ten horns of the ten-horned beast. This conglomerate beast of Revelation 13 is depicting the endtime world government of the Antichrist. All of the beasts in Daniel 7 have now merged into this one unified beast…except for one. The eagle’s wings are not mentioned in the description of the world government beast! Could it be that the United States will be one of the dissenting forces against the Antichrist and his world government, a harbor of safety during the troubled times ahead?
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 18:05:46 +0000

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