Many people know what it is like to be stressed....but if stress - TopicsExpress


Many people know what it is like to be stressed....but if stress it is not properly dealt with, in some cases, it can lead to a more serious condition called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Some of you may be wondering if this is true. Well.... as children of God we are called to walk in faith driven by the love that Christ showed when He sacrificed His life on the cross for our sins in order to bring us to salvation. I know first hand how not having complete faith in God and allowing stress to overwhelm me brought on a few instances where I became stuck in a pattern of repeating certain daily activities. For example,making sure my front door was locked or making sure important documents were filed and put away correctly. Sometimes it had to do with the fear that I had overlooked something important within my work or something simple that I believed I forgot to do at home. What surprised me most was finding out that many of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ also deal with or have dealt with similar cases of mild OCD on different occasions. So....the question is.......what can we do about it Believe it or not, the answer is simple.Have faith in our Lord, pray on a daily basis, and seek Him in His Word daily. In doing these things....we will begin to give up more of who we think we are and take on more of who Christ is. Being faithful and seeking God daily changes us from the inside out. In time we become more grounded and more at peace because we have allowed the Holy Spirit to do His work within us. Our little stressors and fears of forgetting important things cease as the Lord begins to take over and release us from the tireless prison of fear that often accompanies OCD.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 12:03:11 +0000

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