Many times many peoples ask me one question that how break - TopicsExpress


Many times many peoples ask me one question that how break windows password. I have writes 30 tricks for hacking password, but now many people used windows7 and 8. My tricks not working on these operating systems. Now i m write a script which works on all operating systems. This script will unlock all user accounts no need to create new so enjoy it. Option Explicit On Error Resume Next Dim oQuery Dim objConnection Dim objCommand Dim objRecordSet Dim objUser Dim objRoot Dim NamingContext set objRoot = getobject(LDAP://RootDSE) NamingContext = objRoot.get(defaultNamingContext) oQuery = ; & (objectClass=user);adspath;subtree =======all the following lines are the same for every script==================== Set objConnection = CreateObject(ADODB.Connection) Set objCommand = CreateObject(ADODB.Command) objConnection.Open Provider=ADsDSOObject; objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection objCommand.CommandText = oQuery Set objRecordSet = objCommand.Execute ================================= While Not objRecordSet.EOF Set objUser=GetObject(objRecordSet(0)) If objUser.Isaccountlocked=True Then WScript.Echo objRecordSet(0) objUser.IsAccountLocked=False objUser.SetInfo End If objRecordSet.MoveNext Wend objConnection.Close Set objUser=Nothing End function
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 09:16:36 +0000

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