Many years back I made a decision that would change the course of - TopicsExpress


Many years back I made a decision that would change the course of my life forever. I consciously decided that I was no longer willing to settle for the life I was living any longer. Cycling though each day like it was groundhog day all over again day in and day out. There was something missing and I knew it. If you want to know the truth, I was bored! I was getting tired of working for the man and giving away $25,000 or so a year of my time for free to a company (as a salary manager) and continue on feeling like my way of life was being owned by another. Now dont get me wrong, I am very thankful for the 14 plus years I spent with that company and for all the relationships and experiences I had which helped me grow to become the man that I now was. But I guess I had come to the point that I was realizing that I was nearing graduation from that learning lesson of my life and that small still voice inside of me was screaming for a new more expanded way of living, being and experiencing my time here on earth. For many years I would hint to the guys that I managed and loved so much that one day very soon I would be gone. As human nature goes, I knew that it wouldnt be until then that many of them would realize the amount of effort I consistently put into creating an environment of stability for them and how much effort I put into creating a space for their voices to be heard and valued. It was my passion to provide them the resources to make their job experience the best I possibly could and I did just that. But the time did come, and It became clear to me in the early summer of 2013 that if I wanted to live the life of my dreams, then i would be required to make big decisions and muster up more courage than I ever imagined I had. Over the next year and a half, those decisions would bring me face to face with most all my demons (those things that hurt me most and that I was most afraid of facing). But thats what happens when you choose to no longer settle in your life, and I was no longer willing to play small. See, if you want to plot a new course in your life, it will require a tremendous amount of courage and willingness to be vulnerable. Change does not happen when we stay our comfort zone, it happens when we decide that marching to the beat of our own drum and following your compass (heart) is truly the only path to creating the personal freedom that we all deserve to experience in life. So I want to ask you, where is it in your life that you are settling? Where are you playing small ball when you know deep down your meant for something bigger? I challenge you to listen to your small still voice and to follow your heart towards what ever it is your passions are. I am here to support you in any area of your life that is not being fulfilled. Change all starts from the inside and manifests its way outwardly. I am a master of inner work. Let me know how I can help you live the life of your dreams? Love Michael Point Of Power Coaching michaelrmason/work-with-me/
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 04:20:29 +0000

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