March 20, 2014: Word Reflections - Genesis 16 FEARS: BREEDING - TopicsExpress


March 20, 2014: Word Reflections - Genesis 16 FEARS: BREEDING GROUND FOR MENTAL FLIES, WASPS AND RATS (NB Best to meditate on the bible chapter first before the reflection). Over the years, I have seen strange behaviors from many places. Long-standing friendships turn sour for the vaguest of reasons. Years of mentor-student relationships fade into black because of a superficial misunderstanding. Then there are those who consciously avoid, even reject, people they have met for the first time because ‘something’ about their behavior and personality turns them off! Unfounded fears, irrational worries, fears borne by unresolved traumas from the past will most likely fuel and produce any one of the above odd behavioral patterns. “Fear is an insidious virus. Given a breeding place in our minds ... it will eat away our spirit and block the forward path of our endeavors.” (James Bell) Sarah, Abraham and Hagar fell prey to their own fears. Anytime our fears are bigger than our faith in God, they will take us out of God’s intended path for our lives. (1) Sarah made a strange proposition to Abraham. “Please go in to my maid; perhaps I will obtain children through her.” What was she thinking? Was she thinking of the unfulfilled plan of God and His glory? And how she could support her husband, Abram, fulfill God’s mission for their lives? Or was she thinking of the stigma attached to childlessness and her pride and self-esteem? Perhaps, even her worth to Abram? She was most likely thinking of all of the above. Sarah knew that she was incapable of bearing a child. She was 75. She knew this however right from the start. She was 65 and barren when God promised to Abram that he would become the father of many nations. So could she have thought that perhaps God did not intend her to be the mother of Abram’s children from the start? Observe the negativity and fear running in all these thoughts. “Fear imprisons, paralyzes, disheartens, sickens, makes useless and most of all puts hopelessness at the heart of life.” (Harry Fosdick) God had told Abraham, “Know for certain...”(15:13), but Sarah had no such assurance on which to base her actions. Had she even entertained the thought that God was the cause of her continuing barrenness? She did declare, “The Lord had prevented me from bearing children!” (16:2) (2) Abraham on the other hand all but too readily listened and acceded to the voice of Sarai. No real thought. Passivity written all over the place. Perhaps, after 10 years of faithful waiting and trust in God, Abraham had started straying away from active believing into a ‘bahala na ang Diyos’ attitude. What was he thinking? T What fears were driving him to passivity, inaction and faithlessness? A willingness to wait on the Lord is a sure evidence that one is walking by faith. He that believeth shall not make haste (Isa. 28:16 KJV). And genuine waiting is always proactive. It chooses to go back and believes God and His word each time circumstances challenge his belief. Whenever we stop trusting God, we start to make haste in the wrong direction and we end up being ashamed. Sarah would regret she ever suggested this to Abraham. Abraham would regret he ever listened to Sarah about this matter. Application: (1) Are there fears hidden in your heart that can anytime disrupt the God-given course for your life? (2) As a matter of fact, have you changed the God-given course of your life and replaced it with something doubtful or even damaging to yourself recently? (3) Or have you become more and more passive and reactive, rather than proactive, in your approach to the challenges that come your way? We all need to go back to the word and promises God has already declared to us. To Abraham and Sarah that would be His promises of doing the impossible on their behalf. “I am a shield to you. Your reward shall be very great. I will make you a great nation.” To us who believe in Him that would be “I will never desert you nor will I ever forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5) “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord gives grace and glory; No good thing does He withhold FROM THOSE WHO WALK UPRIGHTLY.” (Psalm 84:11). That is, from those who trust Him and what He says and promises even when circumstances are shouting the opposite. Fears betray our lack of trust. We need to deal with them the moment they manifest. Otherwise, they become a breeding ground for unhealthy mental habits. Anytime we see flies, rats, and wasps coming out of our behavior is a critical time to repent, go back to God, and overcome. Prayer: Lord God, take me out of those hidden ruts in my life. Let everything about my life glorify You. Lead me constantly to trusting Who You are - the One who is able ‘to do far exceedingly above all which we ask or think’. God be praised!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 21:24:34 +0000

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