March 24, Oscar Romero, Moving Out of Our Social Boundaries Lk. - TopicsExpress


March 24, Oscar Romero, Moving Out of Our Social Boundaries Lk. 2:24-30 Jesus simply moved out of the social/racaial boundary of Israel in his talk and they wanted to kill him. Oscar Romero moved out of the social boundary of the ruling class and they killed him. Each day Jesus calls us to move out of our social class boundaries, and racial boundaries. Yesterday in the Chronicle there was an article drawing the new real estate boundaries of the City. What was interesting it was all social boundaries--the rich stay in some areas, and the upper middle class one area, and the middle class and poor, and homeless--oh well they have no place. This happens when we do not speak up together, move out and share with each other, and make a place for everyone. That all of us have to share, give up something, and work together, so that all might be provided for. Dr. Will Tuttle sums it up best for all things: . “Each of us is radically and profoundly interconnected with all other living beings, and by blessing and encouraging and seeing the best in others, we help everyone, and by condemning or turning away from others, we harm everyone, including ourselves. Shining compassion to everyone, even our apparent opponents, is the essence of the benevolent revolution that is veganism. And not only that, going vegan’s a practical contribution to the energy crisis, hunger, and climate change. So keep building that connection to the inner sun and shine!”
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 12:09:03 +0000

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