March 6, 2014 Dear ones, Good evening! Praise the Name of our - TopicsExpress


March 6, 2014 Dear ones, Good evening! Praise the Name of our Faithful God and Father! Today was a tough day for me as I received a denial letter for medical assistance. I was almost to the point of getting discouraged. But The Lord, our faithful Father intervened through my beloved husband, he began quoting a verse, he did not finish it but it was enough for me to find it. It is Psalm 118:8 It is better to trust in The Lord Than to put confidence in man. It was exactly the word I was needing. Our trust is in Him who is our Provider. Halleluhia! Later our long time friends came to visit with us. They are here with us. This is a very encouraging visit. Thank you, Father for our family and friends. This afternoon they took out to lunch. We went to the right place; yes the right place (my friend, said) Our waiter was a very kind man and through our conversation we discovered we are family in Christ. He encouraged me, he said, does not the Word of God say that we must be consistent in prayer. Of course it says, Pray without ceasing. Not only this, but let me put here the whole verse, Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (I Thess. 5:16-18) Joy, Prayer and Thanksgiving! Rejoice Pray without ceasing Give thanks always Thank you, Father for reminding me your WILL, these so important works in my life. May The Lord help us all to rejoice always, pray always, and give thanks always regardless the news. I delayed the posting because Alberto was feeling not too good. His blood pressure was somewhat high. Thank you for your prayers without ceasing. Thank you, Lord Jesus for you are praying without ceasing for us. Our trust, our confidence is in YOU. Love, Alberto and Patricia THE WORLD NEEDS CHRIST
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 05:03:29 +0000

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