Maria has gone on holiday and i hope she is having a blast.Lying - TopicsExpress


Maria has gone on holiday and i hope she is having a blast.Lying alone,in bed in the early hours of this morning,i recounted an incident a few days ago that happened at about this time of the morning and whilst still dark.....I was deep in sleep when i heard pitiful crying and awoke to see Maria wimpering next to me,covering her head with her hands pleading in her sleep...please dont...please dont....she was shaking and in a terrified state....She was obviously having a terrible nightmare !!....In all the years we have been married,i have never experienced Maria having any kind of bad dream,never mind one like this which was certainly shaking her to the core.....I started touching her gently to wake her up and put her out of her misery...but she was not responding.From initially talking softly,i started talking louder and louder....Maria whats wrong...whatever it is,it is just a dream....wake up...i am here and i wont let anyone harm you.....You are safe with are safe...everything is alright...its alright baby.........She finally woke up and flung her arms around me crying uncontrollably......shhhhh baby all is long as you have me next to you,nothing will ever happen to you....It was just a dream.....Everything is alright...shhhh........She told me that she dreamt burglars had broken into her parents home and were trying to kill them while she was pleading they spare their lives.....It was terrible she said and it felt so real.....We sat there hugging until she finally stopped shaking and fell asleep in my arms....My poor Maria.....always so strong,never showing fear.....Finally after all these years i saw her little heart flutter in terror and i got a deeper glimpse into her gentle soul.....What else are you are afraid of my baby that you have never told me about ?.......Seeing her like this my heart melted and i just wanted to hold her tight and never let her go.....It is at this moment that i realized how much i actually love this woman....This dream/nightmare probably a result of South Africas legacy of criminals targeting the old and the weak killing them at will,a fact that strikes fear into many a law-abiding South Africans heart.....By now i could hear the birds tweeting and chirping on the trees outside our bedroom window,signalling the onset of the new dawn.We are lucky that our house is situated on 5 acres of ground so the resulting large garden attracts many birds.....Even though still dark,i got up and drew open the curtains......It was a full moon and its light just streaked into our room,illuminating it with silver rays......I could see our pond with the fountains waters glistening in the moonlight as they trickled out of the statue situated in the middle of the pond and back into the water below.A wonderful sight......I could see our dogs in the distance by one of our gates,barking at a couple of drunken workers walking by on the street.....Apart from that,everything was still.....I muttered to myself its going to be a beautiful day.....Standing by the window,i looked at Maria who was fast asleep again......a serene calm feeling came over me... I went off to the kitchen to get a glass of water....Trudging through the empty house,the kids gone now,i couldnt help but ask myself where have all those good times gone ?...The kids running up and down,us having friends over,parties all the time,midnight swims at our pool,laughter,people.....This huge 650 square meter house is but an empty shell now and just the two of us left......When did we get old i wonder ?....Where has everyone gone ? How did time run by so quickly ?.......Went back to bed,cuddled up and thought....forget the rest...I have my Maria.....time for a new chapter in our lives.....Time we did some things for ourselves and enjoyed each other while we still can.....I am glad she is having a great holiday....and when she is plans are for many such events for the two of us from now on....Life is short and i intend to make the most of it .........
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 09:56:39 +0000

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