Mark Gauthier 11:12 PM (43 minutes ago) to me, peac_group - TopicsExpress


Mark Gauthier 11:12 PM (43 minutes ago) to me, peac_group Dear _, Yes, your point has been made and your concerns have been addressed more thoughtfully and sincerely than you let on, on this and other threads. If you are not getting the answers you desire then reframe your questions, redirect them to another forum, champion them in a new direction, because you have exhausted this avenue and are becoming annoying. Im not claiming to be a leader, an example or anything other than an interested member, looking for information, who does a little, not a lot, but who can tell you straight out that you have made your complaints and received considerate, conscientious responses and can move on to a higher level with them or move on to a new topic. With respect, Mark Gauthier On Tuesday, October 21, 2014 9:46 PM, _ wrote: Not sure where this is coming from. I just want transparency from the union I pay dues to. While we still have a union. Thats all. With respect, Im not looking to be a utla insider. So far - with respect - I dont like what I see. On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 9:39 PM, Mark Gauthier wrote: Get involved. Run a chapter. Go to meetings. Network like-minded members. Start a committee. Build a platform. Run for office. Win an election. Implement policy. Do something. Be the change. Put your name on it. -Mark Gauthier On Monday, October 20, 2014 5:28 PM, _ wrote: Someone informed me that UTLA has policy passed when AJ Duffy was President that ALL officer, board and other members UTLA expenses, including travel, be printed in the UT newspaper. Have they ever published any of this? This is really concerning, and another way the UTLA is ignoring its own constitution. Two other examples: UTLA has policy stating that theyll hold their conference at the most affordable union hotel in Los Angeles. UTLA is ignoring that policy. UTLA has policy that theyll demand a 17.6% salary increase retroactive to 2013-14 from LAUSD. UTLA is IGNORING that policy. Whats the point in having a House of Representatives if youre just going to ignore everything the House of Representatives says is policy? From the UTLA Constitution: To serve as the policy-making body on behalf of the UTLA membership and of the UTLA organization and to be the final authority on all matters relating to UTLA, able to override actions of the officers and of the Board of Directors, subject only to the limitations of policy and bylaws established by a direct vote of the membership. I know the response Ill receive is a directive telling me this is unimportant and that I should go phone bank. In other words, UTLA leaders will continue to attempt to ignore UTLA policy or any sense of ethics or responsibility. So why does the UTLA continue to ignore its own policies, and what can be done to help get the UTLA to follow its own established policies? -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups PEAC group. To post to this group, send email to peac_group@googlegroups To unsubscribe from this group, send email to mailto:peac_group%2Bunsubscribe@googlegroups _ 11:56 PM (0 minutes ago) to Mark, peac_group, lausd-teachers, lasubs Dear _, Thank you for all the advice! That I didnt ask for! So insightful! If you disagree with all of us, that does not mean the points I and others have raised have been addressed. Please dont try to bully us into silence. We dont tolerate that from students, or from LAUSD, and we shouldnt tolerate (or encourage) that from our brothers and sisters. I will NEVER apologize for defending the belief that ALL workers should be entitled to earn a fair, living wage. I thought thats what a union was -- or what its supposed to be. The concerns of those of us who believe in defending the rights of workers has been addressed? Well, if you count being talked to in a condescending manner by union leaders (and others hoping to get some free perks -- maybe a meal at Dragos -- maybe a free trip to some conference - maybe at a union hotel - as being addressed, and if you count having our arguments dismissed as politically motivated, and if you count being told to get over it, and to phone bank, then I guess youre right. Reality is, you disagree with my position (and that of other rank and file activists). Just be honest about that. You like supporting non-unionized hotels, where other choices exist. And thats okay. Thats your choice. Whats most appalling is that Unite Here Local 11 wrote back and said, UTLA is a great ally of UNITE HERE, recently moving an event from the boycotted Westin Hotel LAX and co-hosting a solidarity picket line with us. For the upcoming conference, I understand UTLA wanted to host the conference in Palm Springs. While we of course prefer our allies stay at union hotels, we also understand they are not a lot of union options in Palm Springs. They would PREFER!!!!! Notice, they didnt say that there are no union hotels available in Los Angeles in August. They said UTLA WANTED TO HOST THE CONFERENCE IN PALM SPRINGS!!! So just own it. UTLA would rather have the conference at a PGA hosted (MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR HOME OF THE 1%) non-union PGA hosted non-union resort -- they would rather have it there than support workers in Los Angeles who were recently recognized by the Los Angeles City Council as being worthy of actually being able to earn a $15 minimum wage. Youre absolutely right. We should do everything possible to support the non-union five star PGA hosted (home of the 1%ers) La Quinta resort. Cause its so comfortable! What does that tell you? UTLA, If you like hot tubs, and golf courses, spas, and you like the home of the 1%ers -- thats okay -- just be honest about that. But please do us all a favor and stop with the lie. It insults our intelligence. Some have said UTLA has spent nearly $400,000 per year on the PGA hosted (home of the 1%ers) La Quinta non-union resort Leadership Conference -- and when it happens in LA, its a huge savings -- it only costs about $80,000. Think of how many members we could defend with that extra money (if that matters to you?) The argument that La Quinta resort is shuttered in August is absolutely HILARIOUS! You guys are good! Maybe instead we should have it at Trump National (because otherwise those workers will be out of work and Trump will go out of business. Im crying for Trump right now!). Hey, heres an idea: instead why dont we support management at hotels that actually GET IT enough to recognize that unionized workers actually CONTRIBUTE? SO WE CAN ENCOURAGE OTHER HOTELS TO UNIONIZE? Instead - the message you guys are sending -- when non-unionized workers want to ORGANIZE -- someone can just stand up at a meeting and say, yeah, but that UTLA doesnt even support us when we do bother to UNIONIZE SO WHY BOTHER? ITS ALL A JOKE You know, I hear that when Bill Gates isnt at his Seattle mega-mansion that many of his employees dont work as much -- so heres an idea. Why doesnt UTLA host the conference at his mega-mansion (because if we dont then maybe Gates will have to file bankruptcy and all his workers will be out on the streets). Just have Randi Weingarten give him a call. I think theyre best buds! https://youtube/watch?v=x6Ezri0pVOg To Mr. Randall Childs: Theres no conspiracy. That you pointed out that Mr. Bertz and Mr. Mandel were on opposite sides -- you make a good point -- that this argument isnt about political differences -- this is about doing whats best for working class families. You guys ever hear of the economics term the opportunity cost? By hosting your conference at the non-union PGA sponsored (MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR - HOME OF THE 1%ERs) non-union La Quinta resort, youre denying Los Angeles based hotel workers an opportunity to work during the summer. No one is ever saying you should never give business to a non-union business. But when possible, please support union businesses. As the second largest teachers union local in the entire United States, an outside observer would probably think that might be kind of important to UTLA -- if UTLA in fact were about protecting and advocating for the collective bargaining rights of workers -- still waiting for that to happen. Have it at a union hotel in Los Angeles. If you dont like that, change the policy at the Houses of Representatives. But do what the House of Representatives says. The House of Representatives said to have it at a union hotel in Los Angeles. Period. You dont like it -- change that policy. THIS IS ABOUT SUPPORTING FELLOW UNION WORKERS!!! In Unity? Bill Smith
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 06:57:11 +0000

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