MathathYahu 10:1-26(ISR98) 1And having called His twelve taught - TopicsExpress


MathathYahu 10:1-26(ISR98) 1And having called His twelve taught ones near, He gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every bodily weakness. 2And these are the names of the twelve emissaries: first, Shim‛on, who is called Kĕpha, and Andri his brother; Ya‛aquḇ the son of Zaḇdai, and Yahukhanan his brother; 3Philip and Bartholomi; T’oma and Mattithyahu the tax collector; Ya‛aqoḇ the son of Alphai, and Laḇai whose last name was Taddai; 4Shim‛on the Kena‛anite, and Yahuḏah from Qerioth, who did also deliver Him up. 5יהושע sent these twelve out, having commanded them, saying, “Do not go into the way of the gentiles, and do not enter a city of the Shomeronites, 6but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Yisra’ĕl. 7“And as you go, proclaim, saying, ‘The reign of the heavens has drawn near.’ 8“Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. You have received without paying, give without being paid. 9“Do not acquire gold or silver or copper for your moneybelts, 10or a bag for the journey, or two undergarments, or sandals, or staffs, for the worker is worthy of his food. 11“And into whatever city or village you enter, ask who is worthy in it, and stay there until you leave. 12“And as you enter into a house, greet it. 13“And if the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it. But if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you. 14“And whoever does not receive you nor hear your words, when you leave that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet. 15“Truly, I say to you, it shall be more bearable for the land of Seḏom and Amorah in the day of judgment than for that city! 16“See, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. 17“But beware of men, for they shall deliver you up to sanhedrins and flog you in their congregations. 18“And you shall be brought before governors and sovereigns for My sake, as a witness to them and to the gentiles. 19“But when they deliver you up, do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it shall be given to you in that hour what you shall speak, 20for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking in you. 21“And brother shall deliver up brother to death, and a father his child. And children shall rise up against parents and shall put them to death. 22“And you shall be hated by all for My Name’s sake. But he who shall have endured to the end shall be saved.# See 24:13. 23“And when they persecute you in this city, flee to another. For truly, I say to you, you shall by no means have gone through the cities of Yisra’ĕl before the Son of Aḏam comes. 24“A taught one is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. 25“It is enough for the taught one to become like his teacher, and a servant like his master. If they have called the master of the house Be‛elzebul, how much more those of his household! 26“Therefore do not fear them. For whatever is covered shall be revealed, and whatever is hidden shall be made known.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 03:54:46 +0000

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