Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel - TopicsExpress


Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel 10/16/2013 IRS entanglements with political motives are proving to be increasingly convoluted and dangerous. New revelations suggest that if left unchecked, IRS targeting could reach unprecedented levels – even reaching into our most private healthcare matters. Under ObamaCare, the now radicalized IRS is becoming the “collection squad” of American healthcare. And there is virtually nothing about you that can remain private if Barack Obama’s super-sized IRS wants to know it. This absorption of unprecedented power by a corrupt agency must be stopped immediately! We need every member of our Liberty Counsel team to be unwavering in our demand for justice and accountability in holding officials responsible – no matter how high the station of the actors. Please see my important update on the outrageous IRS/White House conspiracy below – Mat. Debeorah, The Obama administration has set the stage for the politically corrupt IRS to receive the unprecedented power conferred upon it by the so-called “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.” With the ongoing revelations of IRS coercion and manipulation, we wonder how “Patient Protection” in any way applies to the disastrous new healthcare law! The IRS targeting of conservative groups during an election cycle is an egregious abuse of power, but soon the agency will wield even greater authority to inflict great intimidation and financial duress on the American people while enforcing healthcare penalties under ObamaCare. ++Uncovering the extensive and unlawful coordination between the IRS and top White House official Jeanne Lambrew. Lambrew is the Deputy Assistant to the President for Health Policy and she holds dangerously concentrated power over the implementation of ObamaCare. Lambrew is a liberal extremist and long-time advisor to the Obama campaigns and administration. She now has the power to interpret the ObamaCare law and to control the details of its implementation. Scott Gottlieb reports in his recent Forbes article “Who’s In Charge of Implementing Obamacare and Why it Matters,” that Barack Obama is weeding out those workers who don’t fully hew to his party line and is replacing them with his own agents of change… “Three years ago … many of the Obama administration’s economic centrists were leaving the White House. Left behind were some of the most progressive staffers. They would be the ones implementing the law. That transition now seems to be complete. The few remaining centrist thinkers inside the White House, mostly scattered across the National Economic Council and Treasury, are gone – or largely marginalized when it comes to issues around implementation [of ObamaCare]. The people drafting and reviewing the regulations are mostly centered in the White House and its Domestic Policy Council — and they mostly work for Jeanne Lambrew.” Lambrew has a history of questionable behavior and connections. With her newly appointed power over ObamaCare, she has already been illegally coordinating with Sarah Hall Ingram – the IRS official in charge of the office of tax-exempt status during the time of the Tea Party targeting – to receive private taxpayer information. ++Illegal IRS behavior left unpunished makes the agency’s power absolute. The combination of a government agency with no regard for the law and a history of abusing its power, coupled with the newly acquired power to control the distribution of healthcare to the American people, creates a potentially deadly threat to every man, woman, and child within the United States. We have entered a time in the history of our nation in which the people must bring our own government to justice in order to protect our unalienable rights! ++Our freedom and future are literally at stake! Liberty Counsel is aggressively calling for a complete investigation of the IRS by an Independent Counsel aimed at holding those responsible accountable. We need every God fearing American to join our call for accountability of the IRS’ unlawful abuse of power and political intimidation. The American people must know the full extent of their illegal actions and all responsible individuals must be brought to justice. Click here now to sign so that you will be represented when we deliver these important petitions to Capitol Hill: ++Leftist cronyism is destroying our republic! Our system of checks and balances is crumbling under a self-appointed imperial leader and his cronies. The American people elected Barack Obama to the office of the presidency – an office of limited constitutional power – NOT to an imperial presidency which he has been stealthily creating. We have seen this president make scandalous appointments with complete disregard for virtue or morality in exchange for political expediency. Now our government agencies, departments, and offices have been depleted of essential bi-partisan figures and replaced with Obama sycophants and subservient minions. The individuals now occupying powerful administrative positions are overwhelmingly liberal extremists, who have time and again abused their powers and ignored the rule of law…as shown by the incriminating evidence against the IRS. The only way the complete truth will be brought to light before the 2014 election cycle is through the appointment of a Special Counsel. That’s precisely why Liberty Counsel has launched a national petition calling for the appointment of a Special Counsel to oversee and lead a thorough investigation into the ever-deepening IRS scandal. Debeorah, as an American patriot, I know that you stand for the right use of the law in our governmental system. We cannot allow this political abuse to continue and increase! We must demand that those in power submit to the Constitution and the rule of law! Illegal actions must be punished. Please go here to join us in this petition to bring the IRS lawbreakers to justice before it is too late for our system of government: Thank you for taking action with us today! Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel P.S. The threat of the IRS utilizing ObamaCare to target political adversaries has become a reality. The White House and the IRS have already held scores of meetings in which the agency illegally shared taxpayer information with political operatives. We cannot sit back and wait for the IRS to take their intimidation tactics to another level – one that holds the power of life and death through controlling access to healthcare services. Please go here to take action today to prevent the IRS from further abuse of power:
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 03:10:50 +0000

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