May 3, 2013 This is compiled from months of research, and - TopicsExpress


May 3, 2013 This is compiled from months of research, and literally dozens of books. And I have tried to explain it to the best of my ability! 1. 80% of the bodys immune system lies in the colon. If your immune system is crippled, your body cant fight off disease and infection. You should never even get a wart. The bodys immunity should fight off a simple virus, like a wart. But how many people do you know that have warts, sometimes their whole life. The traditional line of thought is to freeze off the wart. But when we do that, we have ignored the fact that its our immune systems job to fight off that virus! We only got rid of that issue on the surface. NOW, apply that same logic to ANYTHING wrong with your skin. eczema, psoriasis, cracked, itchy, bleeding sores, athletes foot, etc. We lotion them. We put creams on them. But we know that those creams dont actually get rid of the skin issue, because the minute we quit using the lotion, the cream, or whatever, it comes back.....because something INSIDE is causing it. Doctors use steroids. The purpose of a steroid is to turn off the immune response. Something is wrong inside....your body tries to get rid of it, so it surfaces on the skin. So, the theory behind steroids is to stop the OUTWARD sign. TURN OFF YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. Okay....lets use some logic here. WHY WOULD ANYONE EVER TURN OFF THE ONLY ABILITY OUR BODY HAS TO RESTORE ITSELF!!!!????? Setting us up to become incredibly ill from something that our body should easily fight off. Steroids cant pick and choose which response to turn off. If you get a steroid shot to stop a skin reaction, it turns off ALL immune function, not just the rash. The rash is just a warning of something going on INSIDE NOW, apply that same logic to ANYTHING wrong with your skin. eczema, psoriasis, cracked, itchy, bleeding sores, athletes foot, etc. We lotion them. We put creams on them. But we know that those creams dont actually get rid of the skin issue, because the minute we quit using the lotion, the cream, or whatever, it comes back.....because something INSIDE is causing it. Doctors use steroids. The purpose of a steroid is to turn off the immune response. Something is wrong inside....your body tries to get rid of it, so it surfaces on the skin. So, the theory behind steroids is to stop the OUTWARD sign. TURN OFF YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. Okay....lets use some logic here. WHY WOULD ANYONE EVER TURN OFF THE ONLY ABILITY OUR BODY HAS TO RESTORE ITSELF!!!!????? Setting us up to become incredibly ill from something that our body should easily fight off. Steroids cant pick and choose which response to turn off. If you get a steroid shot to stop a skin reaction, it turns off ALL immune function, not just the rash. The rash is just a warning of something going on INSIDE NOW, lets step outside the skin. Lets look at disease as a whole. Imagine if we have a simple virus like a wart, then clearly theres an immune system issue! 2. We are born with a microscopic amount of fungus in the colon. Itty-bitty. Science says that the only reason they can find that that itty-bitty amount of fungus exists in us at birth, is for the purpose of decomposition. In fact, in the entire universe, that is always fungus purpose. Think of it like this: A tree dies. Mushrooms start consuming it and eventually it decomposes and goes back into the earth. Fungus thrives on dead matter. So, when we die, ideally, that microscopic amount of fungus should start the decomposition process to make us part of the earth. So, how did things get so out of balance? The first time you ever took an antibiotic, it went in and killed the bacteria that was making you sick. It killed the bad bacteria, and it also killed the good bacteria that colonizes your colon. It KILLED it. It made it DEAD. So, theres dead matter now floating around in your colon. A buffet for FUNGUS. So, the fungus starts feasting on the dead bacteria and it grows and grows and grows. And the fungus starts to line the inside of your colon. When your colon is lined with fungus, you can no longer properly absorb nutrients from the food you eat. Also, fungus has now taken your immune system hostage. Fungus is the boss, not your immune system! Imagine early decomposition!!! Thats what is happening. It has started decomposing your immune system. Your body may not actually die, it may just get some strange disease, like fibromyalgia....or chronic fatigue. Or rheumatoid arthritis! Also, a number of auto-immune diseases. Those disease may actually begin what I imagine is like early decomposition, but instead of it decomposing you fast and just killing you, its slow and torturous. IMAGINE if there was a way to kill fungus AND re-establish your colon with the healthy bacteria that promote proper immune function! JUST IMAGINE! Imagine if there was a way to get your bodys God-given ability to heal itself turned back to ON instead of OFF! Im wondering if a couple of products I talk about are ringing in your ears about now!? People can take your average probiotic ALL DAY long, but when OUR probiotic was developed, the lady who developed it knew she was onto something ground-breaking and life-changing. She would only give Plexus the sole rights to market and sell it if Plexus would agree to make it affordable for anyone to buy! Her conscience wouldnt let her sell the sole rights to a company that would mark it up to where only certain people could afford it! We, as ambassadors, offer something to people that they cannot find anywhere else. I like to call it HOPE! And its in a small white bottle with a blue label. When its coupled with our Cleanse, people get results! Thats where these amazing testimonies come from. Do NOT hesitate to offer these products to ANY and everyone! **sidenote: antibiotics are not bad, and sometimes they are necessary to save lives, so Im not saying not to take antibiotics. Im just glad that there is now something to combat the immune-damage they can cause! ***Important thing to note: Sugar and processed foods feed fungus. If someone is very ill, you owe it to them to tell them that! Pro-Bio 5 can only fight off so much, but if you keep adding fuel to the immune-crippling fire, you wont get well! For further information, please go to my fungus page, called The Fungus is Among Us! facebook/plexus.slim.probio5
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 18:08:59 +0000

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