Mental Healthy Eating - End of Week Review - Week - TopicsExpress


Mental Healthy Eating - End of Week Review - Week 1 Summary A decent first week. It was, in some ways, easier than I thought. There were cravings to be sure but my desire to lose weight overrode my desire to eat on almost every occasion. Lots of lessons learned too. I may benefit from snacking more and therefore need to invest in more healthy snacking options. Exercise has been muted but consistent and fits in with my daily schedule. I would expect this to grow as the plan continues. And I am ready to implement some flexibility in meal plans to add a little science to the equation. Challenges * Cooking for more than one. I am determined to implement this plan but I am required to shop and cook for others. Whilst Karen is keen to lose a few pounds, it is not reasonable to expect her to adopt the militant dietary regime I have opted for. This means potentially multiple meals and eating different meal variations at different times. * Fitting in exercise around life. I get up and the kids are up. I go to work and have an hour to eat and relax. I get home and the kids need sorting. They go to bed and Im tired and need to relax and spend time with Karen before the grind starts again the next day. * Mental health. It can be difficult to stay the course when depression or anxiety pops round for a visit. Much as I have progressed from this point last year, triggers remain and it is difficult to deny myself (a perceived comfort of) food when I have low mood. Mindfulness tells us to observe, not to judge. There may be times when I give in to the craving. I will acknowledge it, learn from it and let it go. * Fluids. I think I need to drink more, especially at weekends. I drink tea but I appreciate that is not the same. I am aiming for a litre of water a day. * Boredom. When you have nothing else to stimulate you, it is difficult to stop your mind wandering towards one of your favourite pastimes (eating, for the filthy minded amongst you). Day 7 - 7th September 2014 Food Log Breakfast - Tea and Bran Flakes (with sultanas) Lunch - Ham, tomato and salad cream sandwich, fruit bar, Hob Nob medley bar Dinner - Roast turkey joint (frozen), roast spuds, carrots, greens, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, yorkshire pud Dessert - Chocolate cheesecake (quarter) In between meal snacks: 2x Snack A Jacks Thoughts and Feelings * Havent done my weekly shop so yet to implement some of the new things planned. * I only had a few potatoes left and deliberately didnt buy more. As a result, I ended up with less than usual, a roundabout way of achieving my aim. * The cheesecake was a little naughty but there is no sense turning this into a monks life. If I hate the new regime and dread implementing it, I am more likely to fail. A couple of modest indulgences here and there are fine. * Ive got a ruddy cold brewing.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 19:17:40 +0000

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