Merry-Xmas to you all in advance; my dear friends, Gods love is - TopicsExpress


Merry-Xmas to you all in advance; my dear friends, Gods love is beyond than the way we thinks and reasons out .Romans 12:9 Ἡ ἀγάπη ἀνυπόκριτος. it reads and means that, love must be sincere.The Greek is more literally without hypocrisy. But sincere (from the Latin, literally that elaborates more so called without wax, as potters sometimes filled imperfections in their pottery with wax and painted over it so the buyer would purchase flawed pots unaware of the flaws). No masking over. No hypocrisy. Love must be sincere. In this point , I contend by saying that people who can not confess the one Holy-Almighty God. Because it was only Gods Grace alone and Faith alone through Jesus Christ; that we were justified freely by Christs merits only on the Cross . In this light of Gods love. Apostle Paul is speaking to me and you all my fellow-beloved Christian believers in this world: we are being called by Gods Holy Word to love. Not just to speak or conduct ourselves in a way that we have some plausible deniability for our unloving words or actions, but from the heart to love flawlessly, as Jesus Christ has loved us bite[ a Jew, a Greek and a Gentile]. Yes, to together; we have so very, very far to go. But as we enter the Month of December, we are looking forward for the Birthday of Jesus Christ on 25th. This is the reality to us that Jesus Christ was born Two thousands years a go and we call this Holy Season of Advent, but on Christmas day, we remember the King of kings, Prince of peace, the Messiah, the Savior and the Redeemer of the world. The Lamp of God, who takes away the sins of the world. He is the the lion of Judah from the lineage of King David, the one who was snailed for us; the Conqueror of the Satan and death. Hence, do let us be taking our own pulse: Do our words and actions come from a place of genuine love for those to whom we speak? Do our actions confess the love we have ourselves received from God on account of Christ? Where the answer is no, as mine all too often is, repent, and rejoice and to be gland in it; why? the reason is that the self-sacrificial love of Christ is still there for us, forgiving us everyday. My dear friends in this world [ brothers and sisters] I wish you all, to have a blessed day-new Month-December, Happy Merry-X celebrations and a joyous- prosperous new year 2015.And in that knowledge, let us once again take up the honor and privilege of being the light of the world. Love. Sincerely. And let that love show in words and actions, that Christ may be seen in us. WoW, without forgetting that day... 25/12/2014. It gonna be my big day, my birthday!... anyway I love you all & Christ Jesus loves more than I do. Okay! Peace be with you.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 08:04:00 +0000

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