Message To Nigerian Christians. Part 2 Are the followers of Jesus - TopicsExpress


Message To Nigerian Christians. Part 2 Are the followers of Jesus (Christians) actually following one of the Ptolemies? Do not Christians believe in Soteriology (Soter+iology=theological doctrine of salvation)? After Alexander the Greek (332 B.C.) conqured the known world, It was one of Alexander generals know as Ptolemy the 1st (367 - 283 B.C.E.) who took over Khemet (Egypt). Ptolemy the 1st called himself "SOTER", meaning savior. This same Ptolemy 1st a.k.a. Soter took on the Egyptian name of "MERYAMUN (Beloved of Amun) SETEPENRE" (Chosen of Re). Like the Egyptians, he was seeking out to make himself a god in the known world. This same Ptolemy made the Egyptians make an image of him. This image was called "SERAPIS" (Osirus+Apius=Serapis). In a letter written by Emperor Publius Aelius Hadrianus to his brother in-law Lucius Julius Ursus Servianus concerning concerning these same people called Christians. This is what he (Emperor Publius Aelius Hadrianus) had to say in part: "The Egyptians, whom you are pleased to commend to me, I know thoroughly from a close observation, to be a light, fickle, and inconstant people, changing with every turn of fortune. The Christians (Christus) among them are worshipers of Serapis, and those calling themselves bishops of Christ scruple not to act as the votaries of that God." There was a man from Libya name Arius (256-336 AD) that opposed these same bishops that worshiped this Christ a.k.a. Soter a.k.a. Serapis. Alexander assembled a council of Greek bishops in Egypt around 325 A.D which deposed Arius for heresy. This council is known as the Council of Nicene. All but two of Arius’s supporters - Secundus of Ptolemais and Theonas of Marmarica - gave in and signed the Nicene Creed. Arius still refused. These three were sent into exile by Constantine the emperor. They were anathematized and condemned. The enforce the decisions of the Council, Constantine demanded, with the death penalty for disobedience, the burning of all books (to hide the truth) composed by Arius and deposed Eusebius of Nicomedia and another bishop who had been active in their support of Arius. You can now thank the Nicene council for giving you Jesus Christ in 325 A.D....
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 06:01:02 +0000

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