Message from Michael * * * Worldwide News Letter JULY 16, - TopicsExpress


Message from Michael * * * Worldwide News Letter JULY 16, 2014 - - Galactic Federation UPDATE + HEAVENLETTERhealingpyramidenergy/pyramid-resources.html#.Uf34P6wWHFw A PYRAMID IS A FREE ENERGY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH healingpyramidenergy/pyramid-resources.html#.Uf34P6wWHFw A correctly made any size METAL contructed Pyramid is easily aligned squarely to Magnetic North---with a quality Magnetic Compass EMITS a cost-less, non-stop perpetual FREE ENERGY vital healing rejuvenating PYRAMID POWER Fountain of Youth energy to anyone or anything... in, around or even near it... day and night from that day forth . . . The same applies to a correctly made pyramid made of non-metal material---(like cardboard, plastic, wood, stone, rubber, foam, PVC pipe)---but THEN it must be aligned within one degree of True North. ---Russ Michael --- Updates to the campaign, new Deepak video link: I tried the Neurophone and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Deepaka Chopra Interviews Scientist Patrick Flanagan - https://youtube/watch?v=iwLFyd_J8nA CLICK here : Open Group Crowd funder for Dr. Patrick Flanangans $99 US Neurophone (rather than the former $800 US cost of this make you smart device. newneurophone/email---updates.html Welcome to the official volunteer page for the phisciences/ crowd funder for the low-cost Neurophone - My Lab in 2002 on Emerald City Way and the corner of Yellow Brick Road. I was 20 pounds heavier then. Hope you enjoy See More 5,541 members https://facebook/groups/neurophonevolunteers/permalink/1432532763664345/ CLICK here : Renowned scientist Adam Trombly introduces G Patrick Flanagan to the audience at the New Realities: The Consciousness of Immortality Conference yesterday in Sedona. Video highlights to come. Adam Trombly the famed founder of Project Earth, credited Patrick with saving his life with his dietary supplement MegaHydrate that detoxified his body. — with G Patrick Flanagan. https://facebook/groups/neurophonevolunteers/permalink/1425574017693553/ CONTENTS 1) Galactic Federation UPDATE 2) HEAVENLETTER - # 4982 - The Scene Is Over. Move on. 3) HEALING Laughter 4) CLICK here... * * * S O U L S E E D S O F L I F E !! Black Raspberry Seed, Chardonay Grape Seed, and The Ancient Black Seed ... ... botanical name Nigella Sativa. It is recorded in the Bible (Book of Isaiah 28:25,27v.) And in Islam, Prophet Mohammed stated that the black seed can heal every disease except death (in the Hadith: Sahih Muslim: Book 26 Kitab As-Salam, Number 5489). Since 1959, over 200 studies at international universities and articles published in various journals have shown remarkable results supporting its traditional uses recorded almost 1400 years ago. While the Black Seed is highly effective by itself, ongoing studies with the combination of other herbs have produced remarkable results. 1. Diabetes (US 6,042,834) 2. Inhibition of cancer cell growth (US 5,653,981) 3. Improvement of the Immune System (US 5,482,711) 4. Viral Infections (US 6,841,174) 5. Psoriasis (US 6,531,164) 6. Asthma (UK - EP1709995) KNOWN all THROUGH Earth HISTORY to HEAL everything but DEATH... LISTEN to famed Natural Nutritionist, Dr. Steve Freemans***literal soul-felt listener response radio interview!! blogtalkradio/hollowearthnetwork/2014/02/21/why-soul-seed SOUL--awesome TESTIMONIAL PAGES, etc---BEFORE & AFTER---PHOTOS hollowearthnetwork/page/446425580 Black Seed in Soul is 281 times stronger for reducing inflammation than aspirin, gram for gram. -- Natural Pain Relief! -- Enroll here: myrainlife/5DSeeds -- Sponsor I.D. # 154412 1) Galactic Federation UPDATE Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy Learn to not take your world too seriously. Be ready to do what is needed to bless and transform it.. Let us sing, dance and revel in a grand prosperity filled with never-ending joy and freedom... from PAO 13 Batz, 14 Kumku, 10 Caban July 15, 2014 Dratzo! We come bearing more good news! Those involved with bringing you your wondrous blessings are nearly ready to deliver them to you. Hence, stay confident and positive about your prosperity. It is to come with a new financial system and with new governance. Let us turn our attention in this message to something, which runs parallel to your prosperity, the heavenly preparation of your physical self for full consciousness. This process entails a complete redoing of your physical, mental and emotional bodies. The final reintegration is to happen while you are safely inside a crystal-like Light chamber. This special living cavity of Light is to forge a complete resequencing of your cellular RNA/DNA. It works as a living Light instrument. It orchestrates new sequencing codes, which move you instantly toward achieving your full physical potential. This process, designed by Heaven, takes approximately three Earth days to achieve its divine goals. Your own body guardians and your other heavenly guides direct it. In addition, you are to have a special mentor assigned and expressly trained by us. When you emerge from this living crystal of Light, you are to be returned to full consciousness. You are now experiencing painful preliminaries to this process. These operations to your various ethereal and physical bodies are, first of all, to reintegrate them and secondly, to increase the degree of Light frequencies that you can handle. This process also includes the initial increase of your DNA from two to three strands. This procedure is making you able to “feel” more of the reality, which surrounds you. Moreover, as this is combined with a general overhaul of your meridian and chakra systems, it is leading to some degree of inner pain, which confounds most of your physicians. Nevertheless, be assured that a procedure is underway which is divinely designed to ready you for the final three days ensconced in your living Crystal Light Chamber. This heavenly Being is a special gift from the Creator. It is to complete the massive degree of reshaping which you are currently enduring. Hence, each of you is moving through a thorough series of adjustments needed to shorten your wondrous stay in this sacred living Being of Light. These preliminary adjustments consist of two types. The first are those which raise the frequencies of each of your present chakras, or else permit new chakras to be introduced. The second type is actual changes in your physical body. Let’s look at these in more detail. The first kind is more frequent. Heaven is moving you to the very edge of a vast alteration of your physical consciousness. Thus, your physical body is able to take in even more divine Light than before. This increased Light forces your body to augment the operation of your limited consciousness , and allows us to position new chakras in your body to more easily handle this growing stress. This increased physical consciousness permits your physical self to initiate a process to connect more easily with your spiritual consciousness. This sets the stage for what the living Light Chamber is to accomplish. The second type is more rare. As your meridian system alters its response patterns, we can use this to actually “split up” some of your present chakras. The best example is what is happening to your heart chakra. This chakra is now separating in two, producing a new heart chakra and introducing the thymus chakra to your body’s energy system. At present, the new heart chakra is in effect. The newer thymus chakra is in various stages of construction. The thymus is to handle your increased immune system and to work with the new diaphragm chakra to eliminate the tragic effects which fear can cause to your body. This process has temporarily caused some degrees of discomfort. In the end, it is to limit the pain that those alterations to your head can create. Keep in mind one essential rule — Heaven has mandated a complete redoing of how your physical self operates. When these series of adjustments reach a prescribed threshold, you are to be ready to enter your Crystal Light Chamber. At that point, all the pains you are now going through are then to pay immense dividends. It is to allow you to take three days and transform yourself back into a fully conscious Being, capable of doing miraculous works. One who can help unfold physical Creation. Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Our associates are busily setting the stage for your prosperity and preparing the ways by which the dark cabal is to exit from its current position of great wealth and power. This process is to end their power and bless each of you with a return of your sacred sovereignty and a grand prosperity, which permits you to achieve your true purpose. This process thus needs to be thorough and able to deliver what Heaven has decreed for you. It is as well to introduce governance, which truly cares about your general welfare and diligently preserves your sacred rights. This new governance is to invite you to participate freely in its activities and allow you to be free and able to learn about the true nature of this reality. It is as well to allow you to become aware of your Inner Earth and spiritual families. These wondrous Beings are to provide mentors, who along with us are to teach you a great many truths about the reality in which you now reside. Our duties are, at the right divine moment, to appear among you and begin a series of lessons, which Heaven asked us to provide. These interactions are to prepare you for understanding what your new reality is to offer. Full consciousness is a most wondrous state of Being given to galactic humanity. This state has been our blessing for millennia. Each of us takes this experience and learns much about the very nature of possibilities found within each reality. The Creator gives us a special home and a delegated divine service. We take these gifts and use them to help others and to maintain this divine environment. The heavenly Elohim, assisted in this operation by us all, puts physicality together. We exist in a realm, which we helped to design. Our responsibility is to apply our wisdom and our blessed love to maintain it. We can learn numerous things while in divine service. We take the simple truth that we are all one, and daily apply it to our mutual service. Out of these sacred tasks come immense wisdom and a child-like Love for everyone. Blessings are a daily part of our service. We chant, we dance and bring joy to all. Joy is the greatest state of divine grace. In it is the laughter that encompasses the life and breath of our Soul. Mercy flows from it. Enlightenment is a result of these simple actions. We use this to understand the beauty of our sacred home and the wonders the Creator gives it. Learn to not take your world too seriously. Be ready to do what is needed to bless and transform it. Remember in your heart how our collective was born and how it is now ready to return to its previous glories. Let us sing, dance and revel in a grand prosperity filled with never-ending joy and freedom. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! Today, we briefly looked over what is happening on your world and reviewed some of the phenomena now happening to you. You are on a journey, which is very quickly to alter this realm and return it to her former self. This return is to bring us to your door and prepare you for your final grand leap into full consciousness! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) PAO Transformational Tools paoweb 2) HEAVENLETTER - #4982 - The Scene Is Over. Move on. God is always bringing us closer to Him HEAVENLETTER #4982, JULY 16, 2014 The Scene Is Over. Move on. God said: Can you admit that there is a lot you don’t understand or even believe? What is the reason why you have to? The sort of thing I am talking about right now is when you feel an affront. The sort of thing when you must ask as if you are talking to the mighty Heavens: “How could so and so talk to me that way? Where did he get such a nerve? Why did I not just walk away? Or why didn’t I tell him off? Where is my pride?” And so on and so on. Such questions go on and on in circles, and are hard to get out from under. Let Us accept for a moment that sometimes you will be riled by another’s words or actions. Let’s just for a moment accept this as a premise. That will not always be the case for you, yet, right now, let’s just say it is, that you are good at getting your dander up. From that point, can you talk to yourself perhaps in this way: “No matter how riled I am at this person, no matter how justified I am to be offended, I will not hold this against him, the one who offended me. I know better than to hold a grudge, yet if I withdraw myself from this person the next time I see him, if I stiffen, if I look coldly, if I do not meet his eyes, if I do not say hello, if I give any one of those responses or something like it such as turning around to avoid seeing him, I am holding a grudge or a vestige of one against him. If I do any of those, I am locking the crime in place. I am making it indelible. I am certainly making it unforgettable. I am not letting it go away.” What if you had an outdoor party planned, and it started raining, and the rain spoiled your party? Do you resent the rain forevermore? Do you take the rain to task? Do you feel a pinch in your heart every time you see the rain again? Do you take the rain personally? Nor am I asking you to forgive. I am asking you to let it go just as I ask you to let the past go, to let it be the past and not ever-present. The scene is over. Move on. Can you perhaps say to yourself something like this: “That friend, he sure had a nerve for what he said or did. He also had great ignorance. Do I really think I’m going to get the better of him by matching my nerve and my ignorance to his? From now on I wish to let the incident go as I would a mosquito that bites me. “I will no longer carry the thought within me: ‘He isn’t my friend, after all. He wasn’t loyal to me. He let me down. He offended me. He doesn’t care about me. His friendship was not true.’ “From now on I will think of what kind of a friend I am, what kind of person I am. I do not have to be quick to take offense. Nor do I make myself inferior by letting the offense go. I can still be a friend. And if I cannot still be a friend, then I can be a pleasant acquaintance and no longer sense danger or stiffen my spine when I see this person. I do not have to be high and mighty. I don’t have to do anything or be anything that I am not.” Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Gloria Wendroff, Overseer The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries, 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556 Visit Subscribe to Heavenletters by the hat! Although Heavenletters are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, use as a signature, make bumper stickers, skywrite with them – whatever you like, and please include the Source! And, of course, do not charge for them! We love to have new readers come to HeavenLetters through you. Gloria writes: What Heavenletter comes up for you today? Its kind of like I Ching! If you havent tried this yet, click at my website. What message was yours today? and 3) Healing Laughter “Time spent laughing is time spent with the Gods.” ~Japanese Proverb ***Laughter is the mortar of the House of Joy! ~ Kryon ***Smile))) It gives your face something good to do.... A little nonsense now and then, is cherished by the wisest men. ~ Roald Dahl == Why Teachers DRINK Questions asked in last years GED examination. Genuine answers (from 16 year olds) - - Q. What is artificial insemination A... When the farmer does it to the bull instead of the cow. - - Q. How can you delay milk turning sour A.. Keep it in the cow. (Simple, but brilliant) - - Q. How are the main 20 parts of the body categorised (e.g. The abdomen) A.. The body is consisted into 3 parts - the brainium, the borax and the abdominal cavity. The brainium contains the brain, the borax contains the heart and lungs and the abdominal cavity contains the five bowels: A,E,I,O,U (wtf!) - - Q. What is the fibula? A.. A small lie. ********************************************************************************************** START a PYRAMID STORM SHIELD SHELTER (PSSS) MOVEMENT. . . in your own local area town or city?? ***Protect self and loved ones! WHAT IF a local collective group had done this only 2 years ago in tornado demolished Moore, Oklahoma, OR New York Citys Hurricane Sandy or Arthur or before Philippines Typhoon disaster...??? healingpyramidenergy (Share widely) FREE... English, German, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian online downloads of healing pyramid energy 9-page Calling All Visionaries Worldwide booklet and FREE download of 30 + of my other books posted at my Golden Key Library.. Please click LIKE when you are there (and CLICK) to post web your Facebook page and to your other social network pages. It is how LIGHT grows worldwide! Thank you! NOTE: speak DUTCH, Chinese or Japanese? We are looking for a volunteer pyramid public disclosure booklet translator in DUTCH. Chinese & Japanese. Have confidence that (YOU can DO it) at your pace . IF you can translate our 9 page mini INTRO booklet into any other language please contact me ASAP: [email protected] 4) Click here... If any link does not work, copy and paste it into a new browser ************************************************************************ Have you tried Laminine yet? Click here: EggOfLife/bodyrebirth or mylifepharm/BodyRebirth Omega-3 Rich Fish Oil is Particularly Critical for Your Brain Health NOTE: Maria 54, has not missed a day of taking 2 Laminine caps for now more than a year---ME 1 daily for now more than a year. ME 87---we BOTH feel UP and happy daily . . . neither have any aches or pains!! Take a LÖÖK---Laminine Does It Again! Nothing else does so much, for so many, for so little, so fast! Wake-Up Conference Call Recording---AMAZING!! Our weekly Wake-Up Call presentation is off to a great start for 2014 with two amazing testimonials. Lisa had suffered with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, level 10 pain, depression, sleep problems, anxiety and more for 25 years when she was introduced to Laminine, and the results were astonishing. Her husband was diagnosed with BiPolar and severe depressive disorder and her daughter was always fatigued and couldnt sleep until Laminine Amazing Testimonial--Neuropathy, Depression, Kidney Failure, Sleep Apnea, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Fibrous Breast Tumors and More........ Listen here: Watch this video of a retired professional football player, who suffered Traumatic Brain Injury, as he shares how Laminine gave him his life back. This is very powerful! Watch here and share this video: Help Your Elderly Family Members--Listen to This: This recording features three amazing women, in the golden years, who share the spectacular benefits they are getting from Laminine. Arthritis pain-GONE! Poor sleep--GONE! Polio Syndrome--GONE! Memory--BACK! Walking again--BACK! JOY for life--BACK! Listen here: AMAZING Testimonials!! Listen NOW Stephanie Wilson shares her numerous positive results with Laminine. Click here: Omega-3 Rich Fish Oil is Particularly Critical for Your Brain Health GO HERE TO BUY reliable Laminine & LPG Fish Oil...: mylifepharm/BodyRebirth EggOfLife/bodyrebirth ** ***** Please VISIT our pyramid disclosure MOVEMENT web site, and send others to also download our FREE Calling All Visionaries Worldwide booklet and urge them to share IT and our MOVEMENT petition web site with their friends... healingpyramidenergy Bosnian Pyramid Discovery... History books must be re-written semirosmanagic/en/bosnian_pyramid.html ALSO: Click here: youtube/watch?v=pbfRopzXYNA (8 incredible Min. - share widely, please!) Join our FREE ENERGY---Healing PYRAMID Energy worldwide public disclosure MOVEMENT---to heal and save Earth and all life forms on Earth. Read and share our FREE 105 page disclosure booklet at: healingpyramidenergy/pyramid-resources.html#.Uf34P6wWHFw _______________________ Pyramid Power Author/Scientist Dr. Patrick Flanagan ***More than 1.2 million viewers already.... youtube/watch?v=km65_ejiUR8 Ultra Health Supplement PhiSciences Products ***Various size Titanium alloy PYRAMIDS $50 size---to $350 meditation size NOW AVAILABLE Dr. Patrick Flanagan has dilgently formulated and made available worldwide. I understand Top Athletes in CHINA are NOW required by the Chinese Government to take PhiSciences products DAILY to more enable them to be the top performing athletes in the world! You can write an email to Dr. Patrick Flanagan to learn more of his recent Chinese Government paid for trip to and stay in China and his arrival heralded in all major media AS TOP NEWS on China TV and Chinese Newspapers for days while he interacted with high government heads and perhaps even some of their key athletes during his public hero welcome stay there - - - Dr. Patrick Flananagan : sacredmath@me Product Categories (Including Titanium alloy Meditation PYRAMID) Amazing Essentials Crystal Energy Mega H Megahydrate Neurophone Various size Dr. Patrick Flanagan designed healing Titanium alloy Pyramids available!! HTTP://phisciences LOOKING for a RELIABLE psychic READER...? Our very talented team eBook Editor--Pamela Leach--comes very highly recommended as an excellent psychic reader! (PSYCHIC...??) Anne-Marie Cook wrote P.S. Your psychic lterary person (Pamela Leach--see above) is so GREAT. We made an instant connection and I chose to pay her $100 instead of the measly $40 she is asking - so for the rest of your (suscriber) list - grab her while shes still selling herself short!!! Absolute magic happened after that - but - too much blah blah for right now - more later... ***Spiritual Quality - Psychic readings! Pamela Leach Email: [email protected] Telephone: USA - 616-642-0308 Book Reader - FEEDBACK V.P. wrote I have just finished reading your (FREE) great book There is Nothing You Cannot BE, DO or HAVE. It was a wonderful reading and looks forward to read other books as well. Also looking forward to receive FREE daily spiritual Michael Worldwide Newsletter. with best wishes and love. yours sincerely, v.p. I Will Do What OTHERS Dont, So OTHERS Can ALSO Live FREE, as yet OTHERS DO NOT! All is well. Bless us all. I am, Michael. WE are ONE. [email protected] ***Start a MOVEMENT to build a PYRAMID STORM SHIELD SHELTER (PSSS) in your town or city...? Why endure a Moore Oklahoma, tornado, New York City Hurricane Sandy or Phillipine Typhoon devastation where you live? healingpyramidenergy - Download FREE more than 30 - Russ Michael spiritual and self-help Ebooks - anyone. anywhere. worldwide
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 10:24:21 +0000

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