Metal Month - Day 15: We now begin to leave behind the golden - TopicsExpress


Metal Month - Day 15: We now begin to leave behind the golden decade of 1980s thrash and delve into the new evolution of metal. Death Metal is the child of thrash. But like most rebellious children, it strayed onto its own path, causing a lot of troubles on the way. The first of these trouble-makers was Death. Yes, the first Death Metal band was called Death. Interestingly enough, the term Death Metal was used in the early 1980s when a black metal band named Possessed screamed it in their song Death Metal. However, not until after Deaths 1987 debut release, Scream Bloody Gore was the Death Metal moniker used to describe a genre unto itself. Death took the core of thrash from Metallica, Kreator, and Slayer and combined it with the technicality of Iron Maiden, Saxon, and Motorhead. But the primary change that Death brought (with the gory lyrics a close second) was the low end growling vocals. Before Death, vocals were shouted or shouted-sang (just came up with that). But Deaths lead singer, Chuck Schuldiner dug deep to produce guttural spewing. While bands before them wrote lyrics that were aberrant, Death shattered any reservations those bands had and introduced the metal world to true Death Metal lyrics. Gore and dying were the focal points of the lyrics. The debut albums artwork and photos were death-laden, and the band members posed as blood-soaked serial killers. If Slayer made anyone with a moral compass blush, Death made them want to gouge their eyeballs and eardrums out with a scooper. As well see later, Death Metal bands focused on increasing speed and technicality, but they still firmly rooted their music in what Death has created. The late 1980s/early 1990s Death Metal bands began to move away from NWBHM band influences, and instead, thrash metal and bands like Death became the basis for inspiration. It is at this juncture that we must say good bye to direct influences from the great 1970s and early 1980s bands and learn to accept thrash metal and Death as the prime movers in metal going forward. Todays video is a 1988 performance of Pull the Plug. This is my personal favorite song (and Death is my personal favorite Classical Death Metal band). So the ability to find this video was a real treat for me. Youll see the technical ability of the guitars and hear Schuldiners deep growls in this awesome performance. https://youtube/watch?v=y8_340KHik4
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 03:23:55 +0000

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