Michael Moore - I am going to relay a story that I have told many - TopicsExpress


Michael Moore - I am going to relay a story that I have told many times; a story about a car, a carburetor and a false economy. In 1974 I worked for a car dealership in Edmonton, AB in the warranties department and one morning, we received a call from a young RCMP officer who had bought a brand new sports car from our dealership 3 months before, he talked with my manager, Larry Zimmerman and said that he had some concerns about the car and its gas use and could he come in a talk to Larry and our mechanic. Larry made an appointment for later that morning and when the young police officer came in he said that he lived in Camrose, AB, a 45 mile drive from Edmonton. He said that he drove to work every day to K Division, the RCMP headquarters in Edmonton and home for a total of 90 miles every day and yet, after 3 months he was yet to put any gasoline in the car. My jaw dropped to the floor but my boss calmly walked over to the car and popped the hood, he and the mechanic tinkered around for a minute or two and then closed the hood. Larry turned to the young officer and told him that the car obviously had some kind of experimental carburetor installed in the car that should have come out prior to leaving the factory; he said that the young man could do 1 of 2 things - Larry and the mechanic could take out the carburetor and he could carry on or 2. Drive away and never, ever bring the car in for warranty work again. The officer hesitated just a minute, gave Larry a deep and puzzling look, said thanks, got in his car and drove away. This was in 1974 - we live in a society whose foundation has been built on lies, greed, false currencies and fools gold - oil that is, black gold. I guess the good news is that we can all just as easily refuse to acknowledge the value in any of these "commodities" and create our own values. I have heard many stories like this in the past but for this one - I was standing there in the room and witnessed it with my own eyes, it kind of ruined me for ever really buying in to all the bunk that our governments and corporations dish out to us on a daily basis and it has really tainted me from ever getting excited about the "emissions and gas savings" that the car manufacturers tout these days - good grief!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 21:03:51 +0000

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