Migrations of Israel • Jewish/Muslim African History - TopicsExpress


Migrations of Israel • Jewish/Muslim African History (Accounts on migrations from Middle East, Slave Quarter Records) Point #10, Source 1: Migrations of dispersed Israelites (Negroes) hence Africans from North and East Africa during the Arab Slave Trade to West Africa. Account of Ghana... Geographically, the ancient Ghana Empire was approximately 500 miles (800km) north and west of the modern state of Ghana, and controlled territories in the area of the Sénégal river and east towards the Niger rivers, in modern Senegal, Mauritania and Mali. Taken from the very informative website whom views do not necessarily represent the views of the authors of this book: URL: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Ghana#cite_note-pc-3\ • Historically, modern Ghanaian territory was the core of the Empire of Ashanti, which was one of the most advanced states in sub-Sahara Africa in the 18–19th centuries, before colonial rule. It is said that at its peak, the King of Ashanti could field 500,000 troops Per-colonial period By the end of the sixteenth century, most ethnic groups constituting the modern Ghanaian population had settled in their present locations. Archeological remains found in the coastal zone indicate that the area has been inhabited since the early Bronze Age (ca. 4000 B.C.), but these societies, based on fishing in the extensive lagoons and rivers, left few traces. Archeological work also suggests that central Ghana north of the forest zone was inhabited as early as 3,000 to 4,000 years ago. Oral history and other sources suggest that the ancestors of some of Ghana’s residents entered this area at least as early as the tenth century A.D. and that migration from the north and east continued thereafter. These migrations resulted in part from the formation and disintegration of a series of large states in the western Sudan (the region north of modern Ghana drained by the Niger River). Prominent among these Sudanic states was the Soninke kingdom of Ghana. Strictly speaking, ghana was the title of the king, but the Arabs, who left records of the kingdom, applied the term to the king, the capital, and the state. The ninth-century Arab writer Al Yaqubi described ancient Ghana as one of the three most organized states in the region (the others being Gao and Kanem in the central Sudan). Its rulers were renowned for their wealth in gold, the opulence of their courts, and their warrior hunting skills. They were also masters of the trade in gold, which drew North African merchants to the western Sudan. The military achievements of these and later western Sudanic rulers and their control over the region’s gold mines constituted the nexus of their historical relations with merchants and rulers of North Africa and the Mediterranean. • The sole’s of Israel feet have not rested in over 2000 years, we are always on the move, running for our lives. This is how we arrived on the west coast of Africa from the so-called middle east. There was a 1400 year migration from the so-called middle east to the west coast of Africa starting in the first century CE. These Hebrew migrations went on with great frequency from about 300 CE and they continued with utmost regularity for twelve hundred years. Here, in the United States the Hebrews are responsible for what is known as the great migration. This was the largest peace time migration of people in human history. Between 1940 and 1970, over 5 million Hebrews left the rural South for the what we called the “Promised Land” of the urban North, in the greatest migration in United States history. We left share cropper shacks for dubious shelters of ghetto housing projects, and fled one kind of poverty and oppression only to encounter another just as bleak. 50,000 Hebrews moved to Chicago from the south in 18 months during World War II • Ella Hughleys remarkable booklet The Truth About Black Biblical Hebrew-Israelites exposes and summarizes important details of this suppressed subject. She writes Many of the Israelites... who managed to escape their persecutors during the Roman-Jewish War subsequently migrated to West Africa, and 16,000 years later their descendants were captured and brought to America in chains by cruel slave-traders. She quotes the noted Jewish historian, Josephus from his book The Great Roman-Jewish War: 66-70, where he writes about this Jewish dispersion and captivity. General Vaspasian and his son Caesar Titus fought against the Jews. Millions of Jews fled into Africa, among other places, fleeing from Roman persecution and starvation during the siege. In African Origins of Major Wester Religions p.75, Dr. Yusef ben-Jochannan writes there were many Hebrew (Jewish) tribes that were of indigenous African origin, These African Jews were caught in a rebellion in Cyrene ... during 115 C.E. This rebellion also marked the beginning of a mass Jewish migration southward into Sudan of West Africa. Arab historian, Ibn Battuta writes of finding Jews scattered across North and West Africa during his travels. The Hebrewisms of numerous tribes, especially in West Africa is well documented. If the original Jews were Black, where did white Jews come from? • The history of Black Hebrews in North America is perhaps one of the most important chapters in US history which has yet to be fully written. The ancestors of African Americans came from West Africa during the era of slavery. That particular region of Africa was once home to a number of Black Hebrew tribes that migrated from North and East Africa over many centuries. In speaking of these migrations, Dr. Yoseph A. A. ben-Yochannan writes that: “In North Africa, just before the period of Christianity’s legal entry into Rome - due to Constantine “the Great” conversion in the 4th century - there were man Hebrew (Jewish) ‘tribes’ that are of indigenous African (the so-called ‘Negroes’) origin. These African Jews, as all other Romanized-African of this era, were caught in a rebellion in Cyrene (Cyrenaica) during 115 C.E. Against Roman imperialism and colonialism. This rebellion also marked the beginning of a mass Jewish migration southward into Soudan (Sudan or West Africa) along the way of the city Aer (Air) and into the countries of Futa Jalon and Senegal (Sene-Gambia) which lie below the parabolic curve of the Niger River’s most northern reaches, where the City of Tumbut (Timbuktu, Timbuctoo, etc.), Melle (Mali) presently stands.” (“African Origins of the Major Western Religions,” 1970, p. 76). Dr. Ben goes on to relate that Black Israelite immigrants from northern and eastern Africa merged with indigenous groups in western Africa to become the Fulani of Futa Jalon, Bornu, Kamen, and Lake Chad. They also formed the parent-stock of groups such as the Ashanti, the Hausa, the B’nai Ephraim (mentioned in earlier posts), and the Bavumbu (Mavumbu or Ma-yomba). All of these groups suffered tremendous population decreases during the years the Atlantic slave trade was in operation, others were completely eliminated. Thus, every so-called African American has Israelite ancestry in their family tree whether he or she knows it or not. Even in the very crucible of slavery the descendants of West African Hebrew captives in America struggled to keep their heritages from being obliterated by forced assimilation and acculturation. Their distinctive traditions became submerged in Christianity but always remained a part of the oral tradition via the so-called Negro Spirituals which praise the memory of ancestors and kinsmen like Moses, David, Joshua, and Daniel. Since the African-American conviction of having Israelite ancestry antedates the Civil War it is not surprising that the earliest Black Hebrew congregation to be established in North America was founded in the 1880s in Chattanooga, Tennessee by F. S. Cherry (the group later moved to Philadelphia). Cherry was a railroad worker and seaman who was fluent in both Yiddish and Hebrew. He adamantly preached that so-called American Negroes are really the lost sheep of the House of Israel whose true legacy was stolen from them during slavery. He urged his hearers to investigate their history in order to rediscover this truth and reclaim their heritage. In 1896, a man by the name of William S. Crowdy established another Hebrew congregation in Lawrence, Kansas. In 1899, Leon Richlieu established the Moorish Zionist Temple in Brooklyn. To date there are literally hundreds of uncharted Black Hebrew congregations in North America. They do not exist because of an aversion for mainstream American Protestantism or an attraction to white Jewish culture. As stated earlier, Black Hebrews have always been in the world; and they repudiate the notion that they are usurpers of the heritage of white Jews. The great proliferation of Black Hebrew groups occurred after World War I during the Great Migration of Blacks from rural areas in the South to urban centers in the North. There were at least nine Black Hebrew congregations in New York in the early 1900s, one of which was founded by a West Indian named Arnold Josiah Ford called “Beth B’nai Abraham Congregation.” In 1918, another West Indian born Israelite named Wentworth Arthur Matthews founded the “Commandment Keepers,” and emerged as one of the leading Black Israelite rabbis in Harlem. Born in 1892 of African Hebraic parentage in Lagos, West Africa, Matthews moved with his family to St. Kitts in the West Indies before coming to America in 1911. Branches of the “Commandment Keepers” exist in many American cities such as Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Cincinnati, Chicago, Ohio, Virginia, and New Jersey. In 1965, the “House of Judah” was founded by William Lewis in Wetumpka, Alabama. The group later purchased a twenty-acre tract near Grand Junction, Michigan where they practice a communal life-style. Black Hebrews feel that by reclaiming their Israelite identity they have also recovered an important part of their ancestral heritage. • Israels Hebrew Kingdoms was Conquered By Islam for Trading purposes! In the seventh century AD, the whole of Africa north of the Sahara desert was conquered by the armies of Islam. Subsequently, an extremely lucrative trade system developed with the Sub-Saharan Kingdom of Ghana. The commodities first traded were gold and salt. This led to the appearance of regular caravan routes across the Sahara Desert to various cities in Ghana. These cities became wealthy. • THIS IS WEST AFRICA WHERE 100s OF HEBREW KINGDOMS ONCE WERE. Starting about 300 AD, the Kingdom of Ghana began to be ruled by a dynasty of Jewish Kings known as the Za Dynasty. The founder of the Dynasty was a man named Za el Yemeni, who was descended from Jews of Yemen. He established his capital city at Gao on the Niger River, in what is now the nation of Mali. According to the writings ...of Eldad the Danite, a famous Algerian Jewish author of the ninth century, Ghana was a Hebrew nation which followed the Law of Moses. The people of Ghana traced their roots to Jews of the First Diaspora of 600 BC, who were forcibly expelled from Israel by the Assyrians. In support of this, Eldad reported that the Ghanans possessed the Torah, which was compiled before the Diaspora, but not the Talmud, which was compiled in Jerusalem and Babylon much later, during the early centuries of the Christian era. • Israelite tribes have been situated in the heart of Africa since the dawn of recorded history. Ethiopia is mentioned in the beginning of the Biblical Book of Genesis, and there is no time in history when there were not Israelites living there. From Ethiopia, they went west and south into the heart of Africa. Other Jews also migrated directly west from Egypt, entering Africa along the northern coast of the continent.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 16:07:58 +0000

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