Million Mask March the Story to tell your Grandchildren As we - TopicsExpress


Million Mask March the Story to tell your Grandchildren As we quickly hurtle towards a distopian future, when thought police monitor our every activity, it’s important to pause for just a moment raise our voices in dissent. That way long after the rest of society realizes how Fascism overtook America, we can at least say that we told you so. We’ll be able to turn to our children when they ask why nobody stopped it. We’ll be able to say something noble. ”Me and your Mother were at every protest, we railed incessantly to our friends, family, coworkers, and anyone else that would listen. We started blogs, we donated to privacy advocacy groups, we helped support the ACLU and we did our best to elect officials that promised to uphold the constitution. But in the end, the citizens didn’t know they were property of the State, until it was far too late.” As crazy as it sounds, it’s a rumination that is spreading fervently. As the public begins to open their eyes, you’ll see an equal, if even more escalating response from the over-class. Laws that attempt to control the internet under the guise of copyright protection, are actually steps to ensure that the spread of ideas that lie in stark contrast to our impending Orwellian nightmare are blotted out. The desire to control our thoughts is so pervasive, that Government agencies have been seeding our social media feeds. They do this to make it appear as if the dissenters are in the minority. Downvote Brigades attempt to suppress sensitive stories from rising to viral levels. Copy paste talking point memos are included in comments that support Statist ideals. If we were told that this is what was happening in Communist China, we’d be so thankful to live in the good ole’ U.S. of A. We find out that it is happening in America, and we do nothing? We have been, or at least “thought” we were champions of liberty and justice in the world. Yet we have been tricked in to submission by false claims of terrorist threats. Most of however were FBI entrapment stings in which the subject was first radicalized and then given bombs to carry out the act, allowing the agency to swoop in and save the day. It’s like the mob roughing you up and then offering protection money. ”You never know what sort of ‘tings might happen to your crummy laundromat if’n ya’s don’t have protection.” So how about we stop this shit before it gets too far out of hand. While we still live in a Pseudotocracy. Before the evil hands of private interests, ever seeking more human cattle for their world domination schemes reaches full operational power. The damn Deathstar in the final stages of completion, and Endor is being lined up in it’s sights. Time to throw a monkey-wrench into the gears, and make some noise. It’s time to open up some eyes. It’s time to show the scared citizens that they are not alone in their fear of their own government. Maybe we’ll have a better story to tell our children one day, we were there when Americans took back their country! So here’s what you can do, at least in the short term, come out to protest on November the 5th. The Million Mask March. We will be there doing interviews and showing our support. We hope that you’ll join us, I promise you will feel invigorated when you hear that first honk of a horn, a sign of solidarity from another citizen, that fist raised high in umbrage. It will bring a tear to your eye, and you will feel as if you have accomplished something, if at least for the day. And I’m sure you’ll meet some really fantastic people. Bear in mind this is a National event, so look up your regional group for further instruction. justcosm
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 10:56:15 +0000

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