Milton residents oppose landfill By Joel Kost jkost@fosters - TopicsExpress


Milton residents oppose landfill By Joel Kost jkost@fosters Saturday, October 11, 2014 MILTON — The Board of Selectmen held a special meeting Friday night at the Nute High School cafeteria to further discuss the proposed zoning change that would allow for a landfill in town. Selectman Mike Beaulieu spearheaded the meeting. Selectman Andrew Rawson and Town Administrator Liz Dionne were also in attendance. Chair of the Board of Selectmen Tom Gray was absent for personal reasons. Beaulieu said the meeting was held so residents could voice their opinions on the zoning change and the possibility of having a landfill in town, which would be built by ReEnergy Holdings. The board held a similar special session Sept. 30 to give residents a chance to ask questions about landfill construction and planning to New Hampshires Department of Environmental Services. Questions and comments regarding the proposal itself were not answered, however, as that meetings purpose was to strictly educate residents about landfills in general. Nearly all of the 150 residents present at that meeting were against the proposed zoning change and landfill. They were upset their questions and concerns were not addressed. Beaulieu, who was not present at the meeting, said Friday night was a chance to alleviate some of the concerns. “I think people thought they were robbed when they werent allowed to speak,” he said. “Its healthy to discuss these kinds of things.” Close to 100 people were in attendance Friday night. Beaulieu stood in front of a podium, while a microphone was set up in the middle of the cafeteria for speakers. Beaulieu opened the discussion by saying it was important to him to have public input on the matter. Beaulieu also took the time to remind residents of his responsibility as a town selectman, saying that he only has the best interest of the town and community on his mind. Beaulieu continued with the benefits a landfill could contribute to the town, most notably 20 to 25 years of tax deferrable dollars. In order to have such things like a school, highway department, and fire department, he said, there needs to be a tax rate to support them. “I state this to be fair,” Beaulieu said. “It is my responsibility to disclose the benefits to you. I feel more than ever I need to put more effort in developing Milton.” Beaulieu then opened the floor to the residents, who asked similar questions and raised similar concerns from last weeks meeting. Of the more than a dozen people who came to speak, the question of why the town was even considering this option was raised several times. Many speakers pointed out that the towns master plan does not agree with building a landfill in town, and discourages such businesses from establishing itself in Milton. Others asked the board why ReEnergy was invited to propose a landfill for a second time. A similar proposition was brought before the town about three years ago with similar response from the town. Beaulieu said he was not in the loop to invite ReEnergy back for a proposal. Halfway through public comment, Rawson approached the residents, thanking everyone for attending and expressing his thoughts on the matter. “Moving forward, we need businesses in Milton to raise our property values, not lower them,” he said. “Milton is a beautiful town, and we need to preserve it.” After 40 minutes of public input, Beaulieu briefly spoke in private with Dionne and Rawson. He came before the public again and, speaking for himself and Rawson, said they were against the idea of changing the zoning laws and building a landfill in town. “Im in an awkward position,” Beaulieu said. “So I think what I can say to you tonight is there are two selectmen standing here tonight who are against the changing of the zoning to allow landfills and invite ReEnergy back. I guess my pledge is to not let this happen.” Beaulieu said he wasnt sure if he could make a motion for anything, but Rawson chimed in with a motion to do whatever they can within the law to prevent the construction of a landfill and change of zoning. “Ill second that,” Beaulieu said to a standing applause.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 09:23:56 +0000

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