Moldovan army is prepared to defend itself if a violent conflict - TopicsExpress


Moldovan army is prepared to defend itself if a violent conflict is to escalate in the separatist region of Transnistria. However, a scenario similar to the one in 1992 is unlikely, said Vitalie Marinuta, Moldovan Defense Minister in an interview with Romanian Global News agency. “We are ready to fight back accordingly to an attack of the Transnistrian forces,” Vitalie Marinuta said. “The citizens should trust the capabilities of the National Army and understand that there are currently no provisions for the outbreak of a military conflict on the Nistru River, although the situation is quite fraught and problematic.” The Moldovan Defense Minister believes that the separatists do not have the guts to generate a violent conflict because they are currently not fully supported by Russia. “Transnistrian army’s potential cannot break out a new military conflict, especially to continue this action alone,” the Minister pointed out. “On the other hand, Russia does not have an interest at the moment to support such a conflict because loses at international level would be greater than any gains.” According to the Moldovan official, the mobilization resources of Transnistria, as well as the support of this regime by the population of the region is not as strong as it was back in 1992. Moreover, Russia has weaker military assets which “are incapable to carry on a prospect military attack.” Although a violent conflict is unlikely, Mr. Marinuta said, there will be many challenges this summer and fall generated by separatist militia. “These provocations will have a single aim: to destabilize us, to challenge the constitutional bodies, to determine us to intervene by force in order to give them the opportunity to react more aggressively,” the Moldovan Defense Minister stressed. Moldova has repeatedly asked Russia to withdraw its troops stationed in the Eastern side of the country under the name of “peacekeeping forces.” No steps forward have been made by Russia, the country continuing to violate the Republic of Moldova’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has also urged Russia to immediately withdraw their army and munitions from Moldova’s breakaway region of Transnistria in October last year. However, the Russians said the withdrawal of troops from Transnistria is wrong. In an interview with Ria Novosti news agency, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Grigori Karasin said Moldova is to blame for the unsettlement of this conflict. “Discussions about withdrawal of Russian troops and munitions from left bank of the Nistru River are wrong and obsolete. Critical opinions regarding the Russian military presence on the ground of Moldova, voiced by some forces in Chisinau and some European capitals are outdated and incorrect,” Grigori Karasin said. The Moldovan Government admits that after the adoption of the so-called law on state border of Transnistria, issued by the separatist leader, Evgheny Shevchuk, Moldova is losing their struggle in the Eastern districts. According to the bill, the separatist region will cover some towns and villages which are currently under the legitimate authorities of Moldova.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 05:05:19 +0000

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