Moms Status- All glory be to God for saving my Lindseys life! - TopicsExpress


Moms Status- All glory be to God for saving my Lindseys life! Words can not express my gratitude to this community, family, friends, jeepers, churches, RAIDER faculty and student body, MECHS faculty, and even people I dont know who have had a part in the miracle of saving Lindsey. Right from the start God placed angels to help her and then pass her to the next angel to work another miracle. From first responders to loving volunteer fire fighters to law enforcement to EMTs to ER personnel to hospital staff to the thousands of you praying for her recovery and for our familys strength and faith to know she is in good hands. Its an amazing community when hundreds of people love on you in time of need. You brought goodies, drinks, cards, monetary gifts and much needed love to the hospital. I want to especially say what an amazing Raider student body we have, as they organized painting the rock for Lindsey. That was only the first night. Tuesday they led all students and faculty wishing to gather at the rock after school to update her condition and pray for her. I heard they did it and thought how sweet of her close friends. I just saw the video last night and tears flowed from my face as I watched over 100 people take the time to lift her and her family up to The Lord. He worked so fast as we watched her go from not much hope Monday and Tuesday in her chemically induced coma to aid in reducing bleeding and swelling of her brain due to trauma to moving and talking on Wednesday. Thursday and Thursday night have been the toughest thus far with her pain because she was taken out of sedation. Today after lunch has been better but trauma team wants her to rest her brain activity (she doesnt use it much anyway before this -ha ha). She is out of ICU but limited to family member visitation at this time for that reason. You all are welcome to visit me and other family in the waiting room when we are out there. My son, Seth Thomas Brown , has created a Facebook page called Prayt for Lindsey to update people about her improving status. It will be a long road of recovery but I know God has brought her this far and she will have a testimony to share that I call The Lindsey Love Story. I leave you with a big thank you and please look at Seths posts to get updates of improvement. She is a brave soul and staying strong. She wants me to give yall and HCHS students a message thanks and hello. Short and to the point but her words. Thanks again for your caring ways! Love to you all, Alice Here is the bible verse her friends, family and I are clinging to during her healing process. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary,and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40: 29-31 Love to you all, Alice
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 03:53:46 +0000

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