Monday Morning up with the Lark...Well its impossible not to here - TopicsExpress


Monday Morning up with the Lark...Well its impossible not to here in Clinica Benidorm.. the day starts at 6.00 with the first Pain Killing drips and is followed by Temperature taking, blood pressure, washing, Breakfast, more pills and then .... .... A visit from The Surgeon - a man who lands his space craft on the roof of the building - as his aura of knowledge and presence suggests that he is not from this world....! He comes in - shakes my hand and smiles (I knew he could smile) Your CAT scan was good - the surgery was big - very big - you MUST take all the pills we prescribe exactly but you can go - go home!!!! Wow....what a great start to Monday - less than a week here - barely time to tie shoe laces (that would be good!!!!). Home - never appreciated as much as when you cant be there...!! Its not comfortable and I wont be playing golf too quickly - well not until Saturday (Joke - Rebecca Troch) - but I feel like I have some control of my legs again now...and as a Bonus - I am approx 2 cms taller. Thanks to everyone for your amazing support (I now have 8 screws and 2 Bars and a titanium cage for support too!!). I hate Facebook for its Black Side of false, back biting, sarcasm and deceit.... Comments made to hurt or attempt to break persons but that isnt Facebook - its the people !!! For me its good to write my stories - they are truthful and what I see. I know they are relevant to many from the comments and private messages I receive and reply back to. I value the support from my friends but equally despise the 2 faced - false and insincere, often mis informed people, who through mainly jealousy - wish to put down others including me and my family for smiling at adversity and achieving and doing - just because they cant. I am blessed with positive Angels in my life - a wonderful family in my mum, dad , brother and sister in law, my beautiful Rebecca, Chloë Troch, Darcy Maxim & Carlos Téllez ( who is going to cut my firewood up for me) who I would do anything for....and my friends....this is the begining again for me an adventure - and I can feel it in my bones (and my screws and bars - specially for my Footlights Calpe friends). Its not a post - I know - sorry for the length of it - but being 2 cms taller now and having suffered the removal if my catheter at speed !!!!@@@!!!! - I feel I have something to write about. Today is The Perfect Present - I shall walk tall ( well taller) and pick up from where I left off last Wednesday - I will pray harder, be more grateful, and try to help as many people as I physically can - Why??? Because I can!!! Have a wonderful week everyone - It is December and Christmas Time...remember the spirit of Christmas - a time for giving - not just presents - but a hope that we can all make a positive difference to someone elses lives... Have a wonderful Christmas and if you cant forgive someone - delete them from your Facebook and your life and waste no more time feeding their enjoyment and destroying your own is far to short....Big Taller Hugs to everyone !!! Im out if here !!!!!! Xxxxxxxxxxx
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 09:24:11 +0000

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