Monday – Make it Happen! Monday, the perfect day to organize - TopicsExpress


Monday – Make it Happen! Monday, the perfect day to organize your meals for the week. When your meals are planned ahead of time, the pressure to get dinner on the table and kids to their various activities is greatly diminished. Another reason for planning ahead is that it sets the tone for the week. A plan says “I am in control of what I, and my family, will eat each day.” And, in a world where chaos all too often shows up, setting the tone of making your health happen by being prepared on Monday, makes it just that much easier to make it through til Friday. Like most of you, my house is very busy at times. Besides my hubby and I, we have our youngest daughter (18 yrs old and vegetarian) still at home, as well as two international students (17 & 18yr old girls), an ageing dog, 2 cats. I have two businesses and work weekly sessions with an Autistic young man. Busy. Let me share a what works for me in our house. I find cooking in bulk goes a long way – literally! I find that if I cook two to three large meals at the beginning of the week, there are leftovers that can be alternated for dinner on those nights when schedules are crazy. Alternating offers variety and keeps leftovers from getting boring. Theyre also great for lunches the next day and Im all about covering all the bases. Check out these two great meals I made this week that went a long way to add flavour, variety and best of all, kept us ALL on plan. #8weeksisallittakes #FITNutrition #myntfit **Watch for the complete recipes later today!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 16:29:41 +0000

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