Moon Reading (Psychological reading) Astrology Moon is - TopicsExpress


Moon Reading (Psychological reading) Astrology Moon is emotions, feelings, feminine energy in everyone to receive everything around. Moon is capacity to feel, receive and integrate things around us. Mainly our life is about feelings we don’t think much generally, we feel more. The Moon reading is very important to know about ourselves or others as well. In vedic astrology we follow vimshottari dasha which starts from the nakshatra of Moon. It is very important because our thought comes first in our mind. after that we take action based on our mental psychology which is built up from our past life karma. Moon reading is related with reading the mind. In this reading we can tell about the persons psychology,that is: where he tends to gravitate more and how they feel and how they integrate those feelings according to planets around the Moon. It is the reading of Moon or mind capacity to receive, feel and integrate the feelings. It is based on the planet arising before the Moon, i.e the planet which sits in the 12th from the Moon, sitting with the Moon and after the Moon 2nd from the Moon. Let’s say if Venus arises before the Moon the person automatically gravitates towards things which are of Venus nature which are beautiful, sensual and comfort giving. If a planet arises after the Moon in the 2nd house from the Moon,it is to integrate the things ..lets say it is Mars after the Moon then such person would like to be active, to work out and may be argue. And when planets join the Moon, it means that their qualities join the mind and this represents the feelings of the person, i.e, how he is feeling. Let’s say Jupiter joins the Moon: these people have big emotions, their emotions blow can be good or bad according to the sign of the Moon. But Jupiter also affects the persons mind with good teachings, religiosity, spirituality, philosophy, optimism and hope. When we assess the Moon reading we also asses the other planets sitting in angle from the Moon. These relations form Moon yogas. The planets which are in angles from the Moon with 4th, 7th, and 10th placement affect the Moon or mind? This reading helps us in understanding about our mind and the support we get in general. Moon Yogas, Aspects, Condition and Supporting Planets are main factors of psychological support. e. g. If you were born with your Moon in Aquarius sign, Through the energy of your Aquarius Moon, you have your own unique style of expressing yourself. You can be outspoken, and may express attitudes which go against the grain of conservative thinking. Youve never liked the thought of being saddled with traditional roles. You may have a little trouble expressing your emotions or giving in to your feelings, even when they are overwhelming. What you dislike most about emotionality is the fact that emotions do not make sense. When Jupiter is in the first house and joins your Moon. When Jupiter joins the Moon it joins our psychology, you are an optimist, hopeful and your energy can inspire and encourage others, too. More likely you think about conquering the horizon ahead rather than staying in the present moment. you are also quite independent and dont like to think about setting personal limitations. If Mars is in the first angle from the Moon you can be emotionally volatile. You may feel overly defensive, and can react to others in inappropriate ways when you feel insecure. There will be lot of emotional upheaval and struggle. There may be a lot of fighting with people and partners and an excessively aggressive emotional state if you are not careful. Owning your anger is also important, and find positive ways to release the anger. When Venus is in the 10th house from the Moon, in the third angle: Venus is the planet of compromise and respect. Adding psychological support through Venusian qualities like diplomacy and peacemaking can help you in achieving good career. Planets in the 10th house from the Moon show certain activities that help to stabilize our psychology which is helpful in career area. All of these activities can help to bring about more emotional peace. When Your Moon is in the Crescent Moon phase of the lunation cycle, it indicates a tendency to struggle against yourself in some way. Life itself can seem to press against you and you may need to spend some time in reflection to understand yourself. Other planets in angles also affect Moon or psychology of the person.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 05:33:53 +0000

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