More Harbingers of Islamic Takeover of America As mentioned in - TopicsExpress


More Harbingers of Islamic Takeover of America As mentioned in a previous blog, the greatest threat to the U.S.A. at the present time is not the Illuminati, the Jesuits, the New World Order, the Satanists, moral decay, illegal immigration, racial strife, economic collapse, natural disaster, or war with Russia or China. These are all mere distractions from the true menace to America, which is an imminent, massive, coordinated Islamic terrorist strike and takeover of the nation from within its borders. At the present time, there are at least 50 known (and probably many more unknown) terrorist cells (including cells of Hamas, al Qaeda and ISIL) planted all over the nation. At the present time, there are at least 22 known jihad training camps in the U.S.A. At the present time, there are hundreds of American mercenaries who have joined and are being trained by the jihadists. At the present time, there are probably hundreds of terrorists entering the U.S. through its southern border daily. For some examples of documentation of the above points, visit the sites listed below: newsmax/Newsfront/america-terror-attacks-ISIS/2014/08/21/id/590012/ madworldnews/22-jihad-camps-fbi/ nydailynews/news/national/jihadist-wannabes-u-s-flock-isis-like-groups-overseas-article-1.1837013 nationalreview/article/346591/southern-border-our-welcome-mat-terrorists And all of this preparation for the destruction of America is fully supported and facilitated by President Barack Hussein Obama whose administration’s financial, training and equipping support for virtually all Islamic terrorist groups, including al Qaeda, Hamas and ISIL, indicates that the occupant of the Oval Office is himself a clandestine jihadist. More and more knowledgeable, highly respected pundits are forecasting the above scenario. Please click on the Trunews link or image below for an eye-opening interview by Rick Liles with Anita Fuentes. Our only hope for escape from the coming prophesied holocaust (Jeremiah 51:1-4, 27-28) will be spiritual, not physical. I repeat, there will be no physical escape or survival for those who resist the Muslim horde. The Obama facilitated fall of America will occur very quickly, any day now. Our only hope will be to be looking to the Lord Yahushua (“Jesus”) for our spiritual salvation. If you haven’t already, put your trust in Him NOW. https://youtube/watch?v=EvUi9PJmPqI
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 03:35:51 +0000

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