More and More people are waking up to the realization that our - TopicsExpress


More and More people are waking up to the realization that our country is rapidly moving in the wrong direction. I have found myself in situations where I have been asked what is that Militia thing all about? Are you Anti-Government?? This is my answer: The Southeastern Constitutional Militia isnt anti anything....we are a group of citizens that are Pro Pro-Constitution of the United States of America Pro-Bill of Rights Pro-Community Pro - Family We believe in the sanctity of the documents that created the greatest nation in the history of the world...The Constitution and the Bill of Rights We believe that our Communities are better off protecting and defending themselves than relying on some bureaucratic goliath organization to do it for us We believe that the soul of this nation is the Family. And we will defend all of the above We are simply... American. Our ancestry is irrelevent.... we are all Americans. As Americans we believe in one simple,undeniable TRUTH. That TRUTH is that rights are bestowed on ALL people at the moment they exist. We pledge our lives to protect “We the People” whenever and wherever it is called for. We work to empower our communities in the following ways: Education of the Constitution & Bill of Rights Citizens Defense Training Emergency Preparedness Training Community Action and Assistance Empowering Citizens and Families If you are a United States Citizen and you believe like we do, join us. We the People are the only hope that this country has. Wondering what you can do to help your family, community and Republic? If you live in the southeast one thing you can do is check out SECOM. Get involved with a Community based Org where most everyone can get involved and make a difference. SECOM is a Constitutional Militia with the focus of reaching out to our communities and arming our communities with the tools for education , defense , prepping and Survival. SECOM is looking to reinstate the sense of community within our communities. Get involved locally! Check the content here and judge for yourself. Welcome to a home for thinking patriots. ... SECOM on facebook facebook/pages/Southeast-Constitutional-Militia/112871255452576 Still dont know the truth about Constitutional Militias and how they are our friends and not the enemies that the MSM paints them to be.. Here is a little history and some facts on the 2nd Amendment and Constitutional Militias... for those that are not familiar with the constitution and US history. This is the best video i have seen explaining the The Second Amendment and the facts about it. Educate yourself , friends and family. Make this viral today. We might need it soon. youtube/watch?v=7RgLEGibyXs Who is the Militia. You , Me, any citizen that will protect the constitution , their family and their community. THE MODERN MILITIA MOVEMENT, is Dedicated to the Preservation of our Freedom, the Security of our Rights and the Restoration of our Constitution to its rightful place as the LAW of our great Republic. A WELL REGULATED MILITIA BEING NECESSARY TO THE SECURITY OF A FREE STATE, THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. IF YOU WANT TO PRESERVE YOUR RIGHTS, AND FREEDOM WATCH THIS VIDEO, AND JOIN US IN THIS MOVEMENT. GOD – FAMILY - COUNTRY What is the Militia? As defined by our founding forefathers, the militia is defined as “the whole people”. It is every able-bodied citizen who is not disqualified by criminal conviction or mental ...defect, except those few persons who hold public office, such as judges, legislators, et cetera… Concept of Militia The Citizen Militia IS: A deterrent, defensive force. A first response mechanism, to assist in times of disaster (i.e. hurricane, floods, etc). A chain of command, which we can use to offer leadership and assistance to our fellow citizens, community and families. A legacy passed from our forefathers to us; and from us to our posterity. A realization and practice of our God given Rights, Liberties, Duties and Responsibilities. An organization of, by and for the Constitution of the united States, and the people whom they serve. The Citizen Militia is NOT: An offensive force. A racist or subversive group. A private army subject to the dictates of any individual, corporation, or other private group. An organization formed for sustained combat operations (a ‘standing army’). To be used as a forum or launching point to any particular or religious agenda. Who Can Join ? Any citizen of The Republic who a legal residence in the state and has resided in the state for at least, the past 6 months, and is not otherwise disqualified from being a member of the ‘militia-at-large’. The Volunteer Militia exists by law under the Constitution. Amendment II “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Who Belongs To The Militia? Doctors Policemen Firemen Lawyers Sheriffs Deputies Pastors Teachers EMT’s Plumbers Salesmen Nurses Electricians Truckers Students Housewives Construction Workers Mill Workers Carpenters Mechanics And the list goes on.!!! GOALS To secure and practice all of our Rights and Liberties; To open ranks to all citizens who love Liberty without regard to one’s race, creed, religion or gender; and to deny participation to those who seek to harm the Republic, discredit us, or our goals; To be an effective deterrent to tyranny; To clearly state that we are committed to a posture of defense, and do not advocate the unlawful overthrow, targeting of or overthrow of our form of government by any person(s); To uphold the just and lawful statutes of the nation as stated in the US Constitution; To declare no enemies; yet be mindful of those who declare us to be enemies; To teach the correct, unvarnished history of our Republic and our State, the formation or our Constitution and Bill of Rights; To teach & promote participatory citizenship; To promote the safe and responsible use of Arms for the protection of our families, our property, our American way of life and our republican form of government; To teach that our Liberties and Rights are not limited to those which are enumerated in the Bill of Rights; and are granted by our Creator. To assist duly elected, sworn and bonded public officials in time of emergency or in the defense of our God – given Rights, Liberties, and the Constitution(s). It is the goal of all Militia members to be prepared and never needed, as opposed to being needed and not prepared
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 07:02:35 +0000

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