More than a decade of schooling, it has finally come down to this - TopicsExpress


More than a decade of schooling, it has finally come down to this point. We are just days away from entering the biggest battle of our lives, as yet. A battle that would determine the direction of our lives. Win or lose, we would know that we have did the best we can. But enough of this pressuring thoughts. Lets take a trip back down memory lane. 3rd january 2009, entering the school gates as students for the first time. Excited the prospect that we are now teenagers. A sense of maturity brightens our soul. Vowed to be a different person. So excited to the point where i once got lost in the corridors of my new home. Perhaps a poor sense of direction. Anyway, it was the year where we got to catch up with old friends, as well as getting to know new ones. I certainly had my fair share of new aquintances. The likes of mervin, brandon, and not to mention the then-annoying Cheryl Jane. So Form one was basically a year of mild fun and misbehaving. Im not interested in recalling Form 2 and 3. Not to say it wasnt pleasant, its just that i could just keep going on and on about everything that happened. So we arrive at Form 4. 4 Azam. Maybe the smartest class in school (according to teachers at least), but definitely the noisiest. It is just unbelievable the amount of noise we made, how many teachers weve pissed off. But i would say every single warning we received as absolutely worth it. If we didnt got all those scoldings, it would only mean that we didnt had enough fun. It was a slightly more difficult year for us, having to adapt to being a student of a brand new level. But it was a good year for me, having my heart stolen by this girl. She sees in me what others dont, and i cherish that. For the rest of the class, we got to know one of the best class teacher there ever is, Encik Maulud. He has a way of hiding his emotions. Even though he always kept a strict and serious face, but deep down, we knew there was a soft spot that needed tickling. We were also blessed tp have some of the most educated teachers to guide us throughout the year, teachers who were fully dedicated to their jobs, teachers who we forever owe our debts to. Also, this was also the year where our class lost our most loyal and lovely dog, Khai Wen Tan, who wandered off to another school. There was an emptiness inside that class that couldnt be filled. The chair beside me was no longer occupied. But it was good news for me beacuse Cheryl then moved to that chair :D At the end of the year, i was somehow sad, sad knowing the fact that next years class would no longer feature all of us 4Azam-ians. It would all depebd on the year end result. So what can we do? Just hope for the best i suppose. 2013, senior year. I am grateful to have gotten into 5Azam, even more grateful knowing that most of the noisy ones from 4Azam have also gotten into this senior class. So i was assured that there wouldnt be any shortage of noise and fun coming from this class. But behind all those laughters and troubles we caused, at the back of our mind, we knew we had to start getting serious. We would be sitting for our Spm at the end of the year. We know that we would have to focus even more on our studies than ever. But still, that didnt stop us from having a great time. Our class had, body builders, musicians, comedians, 2 self-claimed Gods, illegal immigrants, untalented singers, athletes, world-class chefs, an invinsible man, a racist, an old man and not to mention a hungry pack of wolves. What more could i ask for? Nothing. If anything, this is the perfect class for me to end my secondary school life with. Without them, i would have been a completely different man. Each of them have changed me in their own way. And i am will hold my nose up high, proud to tell others that i was once a part of 5Azam of 2013. And so, i would like to thank each and every one of you for making this year a memorable one, and im not only talking about 5Azam-ians. Id like thank all the new friends ive made throughout this past 5 years. Id like to apologize and ask for forgiveness from anyone whom i have ever offended. Id like to thank all the teachers for educating me, making me the student i am today. I also seek forgiveness if i ever offended my humble heroes. And so, i couldnt think of a better way to end my secondary school life. Thank you to everyone who had made these 5 years a truely memorable one. Best of luck for all the 96s who would be entering the exam hall soon. I hope all these memories would never be lost in time. Be proud to be a 96-ian. And a final word of wisdom. Sometimes we meet out destiny, on the path we took to avoid it. God speed.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 15:11:33 +0000

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