Mornin! Its 78 here and rainin! The wind were so strong that it - TopicsExpress


Mornin! Its 78 here and rainin! The wind were so strong that it blew us ober when we went out to potty. Mine Daddy finally put us at the end of the porch and told us to hurry and step off and pee! Its gonna bee in the 40s in the mornin and clear down in the 30s Friday. Mee thought winter would bee ober in 6 weeks after the Groundhog seed his shadow, but its gonna be longer! Them is talkin about somethin called medical marywanna and the Dr. Telled Mommy if its legal her needs some for the pain of her RA! Mommy told her no way! Her said hers dopey enuff without help from a drug and then there mite be drug addicts breakin in the house after it too! Her says her will lib with the pain, that her is used to it after 9 years now! If you get a chance, look where other people make posts and read about the Liddle Dog named Primo. Please share him if you can. Mommy had it checked out and him weally does hab to get surgery do the more that sees him the better!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 17:00:17 +0000

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