Morning Facebookie, I just wanted tew say hello & let everybully - TopicsExpress


Morning Facebookie, I just wanted tew say hello & let everybully know dat Im finking about dem before I head over tew The Pet+E.R. today tew hab my staples removed. Mommy has been up wiff me most ub da night because Ive had diarrhea fur da past few days & last night I didnt sleep well at all. Shes been s good at taking care ub me & feel bad dat shes had tew clean me so many time so Im weally sowwy Mommy. Shes keeps telling me dat Im more important den sleep & shed do anyfing fur me but I still feel bad. Gwammy has been cooking me boiled chicken & rice fur a couple days but its not weally making a difference & I dont dare eat pumpkin. I know it would help but I not wike da taste. Mommy finks my belly problems could be from da surgery & wiff time everyfing will get better. She gomna ask da Vet tew prescribe me sumfing so I can get better & begin tew sleep through da night. So we will be going in after 2pm EST and Mommy will post pitchoos & messages once we are there. I wanna fank everybully fur donating tew my recovery fund. Mommy will be making a payment on the balance today & will get a receipt tew show what is left so I can share it wiff those dat hab asked wut I still owe. I understand so we are happy tew oblige & will share dat asap. I want yew tew know dat knowing yew are finking about me & praying fur me helps ease my nerves a wittle but Ill be honest, IM SCARED. Mommy says she will be wite by my side & Gwammy will be there tew. Im just scared I will hab tew stay there again & wont feel at ease until we are driving home. Maybe dats why my belly is upset. I just wanna feel better so I can make everybully even more proud. If anyone wishes tew make any last minute donations, Im attaching a link fur yew tew do so. Im sowwy tew be a bother by asking. Alwaze remember dat I lub yew tew da moon & back
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 15:34:44 +0000

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