Most of the 47 million impoverished and starving people in America - TopicsExpress


Most of the 47 million impoverished and starving people in America are children. Priorities are all messed up. The national debt was created because people wanted services and bought into the lie of tax breaks and going to war without paying for it. In order to get the services debt was created. Trickle down economics is an absolute farce. And you probably believe in that lie. Those elected are so detached from reality. The wealthiest location in America is not Silicon Valley or Hollywood, but the DC Beltway. The entire system is designed so that if you DO make it to the millionaire list your taxes are low and your entitlements are high. Very few make it to that list and 47 million out of 328 million definitely do not. It is not fault of the DNC or the RNC but rather the American people buying into the hope that some day they will rise up and be on the Forbes list. It is a nice dream, but this insane winner take all, take no prisoners approach results in an unhealthy and totally unstable society that will one day rise up in violent opposition because of a burden that can no longer be carried. Equal Opportunity with different results I believe in but the entire system is designed for the benefit of billion dollar corporations, not the people. Do not stand there and call yourself a patriot or a tea party constitutionalist unless you are willing to pay the taxes for services you demand. Moan and complain about taxes until the roads are clogged with snow and then complain that the social snow plows did not plow your road fast enough. That just makes you a blatant hypocrite. Wrapping yourself up in the flag without defending it in uniform just pisses me off. I support, like Warren Buffett, a $15 minimum wage for many economic and societal reasons. I totally support the abolishment of the personal income tax system. The establishment of a 28% federal sales tax on all purchases and a 35% Corporate tax and a 10% Capital Gains tax. No inheritance tax because tax has already been paid. I believe life begins at conception but support a womans right to choose up to the establishment of a fetal heartbeat. I believe in a balanced budget constitutional amendment. I believe in civil unions with full secular rights and benefits afforded straight marriages. I believe the term marriage is a religious and spiritual term that is defined across the ages to mean a covenant made under God and through the power of God and a blessing given by God between a man and a woman. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to alienate, denigrate a group of people by redefining a meaning held most sacred to a group of people who hold these beliefs dear to their hearts for the sake of another group of people that do not. The word marriage means more to one group than simply obtaining secular financial benefits and defining a commitment to one another. It goes beyond, extends beyond, any secular meaning. I believe in equal rights for all. I believe religious rights laws are bigot filled expressions of hate and intolerance. I believe in free k-12 and secondary education through the bachelorette levels. I believe in a strong military and first strike doctrines. I believe in immigration reform. I believe in a unified northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere of the Americas and ultimately the world with strict drug laws beyond the use of recreational marijuana and the elimination of all trade barriers. I believe in universal health care and a single payer system in that a healthy society is a strong society where entrepreneurialism and capitalism can flourish without loosing it all because of health related issues. I believe in equal laws for the small business owner granting the same access as billion dollar corporations. I believe in over turning Citizens United. I believe corporations are not people. I believe in a political monetary giving cap for every entity and person. I am against soft money. I do not support the death penalty. But a life of excruciatingly hard labor and the continuous replaying of video of the lives impacted by the heinous crimes. That of course excludes the acts against my own family in which I intend to take justice into my own hands.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 09:15:09 +0000

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